Now in store: Super Dress & Leggings + 2 expansions. [Commercial]

DogzDogz Posts: 898
edited October 2013 in Daz PA Commercial Products

This one took forever, so I'm happy to finally have it out the door. :)
Kinda like a Two part body suit with a ton of morphs, mat options & mat zones that will hopefully satisfy the needs of both skimp wear and more modest clothing.

NOTE: I see that Daz has put on the store page (under additional info) that it includes a DSON core installer for Poser, this is not the case, it is Daz Studio only! I have already emailed Daz to get this corrected ASAP.

My apologies to any poser users who may have wanted this, as I did not include Poser Companion on this occasion. I wanted to originally, ( but given the sheer number of mats to convert, it was simply going to take too long to be economically viable and also by the time I finished the DS mats I was burned out to be honest.

1000 x 769 - 185K
615 x 800 - 220K
900 x 692 - 216K
1200 x 923 - 544K
654 x 850 - 172K
Post edited by Chohole on


  • hermana5hermana5 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    LOVE this!!! i am a prop girl n scene girl but these clothes have converted me..........paypal watch out! When will they be released?

  • RenpatsuRenpatsu Posts: 828
    edited December 1969

    Love them ... phew today is going to be a great shopping day - the credit card probably doesn't think so ;)

    I was hoping to see a new Dogz product soon really. You always have a very high standard of quality with practicability and versatility in mind, making your cloth sets useful for a whole lot of different scenes and scenarios.

    Thank you for making these :)

  • hermana5hermana5 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I have now awoken and had my coffee and see that they have been released............just bought the three purrrrrrrrfect! thank you

  • SedorSedor Posts: 1,764
    edited December 1969

    Great set! Did a first render with it:

    750 x 1000 - 472K
  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited October 2013

    Nice one Sedor ^ :) I should have tried to bribe you to do my promos :D And thank you Hermana5 & Renpatsu.
    Glad you guys like it.

    Post edited by Dogz on
  • SedorSedor Posts: 1,764
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Dogz!

    Hehe ;) - *g* you can add this one to your promos :D (...bribe me if you want :D )

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875
    edited October 2013

    Hi, I love your things, so I bought this one, too. It looks like it will be fun to play with! I'm having trouble with the gray knit texture, though. When I apply one of the neck or sleeve visibility changes, it seems to change color/texture of some other areas and/or leave gaps between areas. I suspect displacement discontinuities. I can post images if you can't reproduce it.

    Another question, after I make a change that hides some part, say short sleeves, why doesn't the long sleeve selection work?

    Thanks in advance for helping me understand how to get the most out of this new product.

    Edit: I'd also like to know how to change the fabric textures without losing the style changes to sleeves, neck, etc. Thanks.

    Edit again: Aha! I think I figured out the gray knit problem I had. I think you can only use the "4 knit wear" visibility options on it. I was selecting visibility options from Smart Content. It is not apparent from that view that certain visibilities are meant to go with certain textures. When I looked at the folders in the Content Library, that became apparent. Still wondering how to change materials after styling, and how to get long sleeves back after selecting short sleeves, etc.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited October 2013

    Hi Barbult,
    For the Knitwear mats you must use the crops in the knitwear materials sub folder (4 knit wear) you cannot use the other crops on the knitted mats because (as you guessed) of different displacement values and maps. Ive just re-tested and cant replicate your issue when using the knitwear crops. but please correct me if I'm wrong -or better still post a screenshot if you like.

    As for second question,
    it doesn't work because the cutaway/crop partial mats are set to abandon all material information for the effected area and set opacity to 0%
    - so if you try to put the sleeves back again, the partial mats wouldn't know which diffuse, displacement etc map to put back on to the dress.
    I did want to set them up to leave the diffuse, displacement and bump info so it could be restored in the way you describe, but I remember encountering some annoying little problems when I tested this, I just cant remember exactly what those problems were now off hand (it was over a month ago) :(. There may have been away around it, but I did it the way did it because it made sense at the time.
    Sorry about that.

    Post edited by Dogz on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875
    edited December 1969

    Dogz, thanks for your reply. I figured it out (about the grey knit) about the same time you posted (see my edit above).

    Is there a way to change fabrics after selecting different visibilities? I understand your explanation about why you can't get back to long sleeves.

  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited October 2013

    If you change the main dress fabrics, it zeros all your crops so you have to re-add them - the exception being the skirt only mats which don't effect anything from the waste up. Again- there is an order in place, the skirt must be added last.
    I'm sorry about my slightly fascist way of setting up the mats so it must be done in a certain order, the problem was if I didn't do it that way, I worried that the user will quickly end up with bits of textures left behind in different mat zones and it could get quite messy - oh and abit uneconomical with resources having the dress calling up certain textures unnecessarily.

    I had to make some tricky decisions while setting up the partial mats, I appreciate I may not have made the most flexible ones in some cases though :P

    Post edited by Dogz on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited October 2013

    Bought it and the addons:) Dogz knows my style.. Very Very versatile set with tons of options, just the way I like it:)

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the explanations. Now I know how to use it better. There sure are a lot of options, even in the basic set!!!!!

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited December 1969

    Ooo, you got me. I was trying not to buy any more clothes this month! Bad dogz!

    I am just a sucker for this kind of versatility.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875
    edited December 1969

    I'm getting the hang of it now. Great Product!

    1236 x 1600 - 1M
  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited October 2013

    Thanks Sickle and glad to hear it Barbult, nice render and nice character morph too, is she your own creation? :)
    BTW I think its in the read me, but if you ever want to have a t-shirt / top overlaying a skirt; you can cheat a little by using two super dresses. one for the skirt and one for the top, hide the belt hoops on the skirt and dial in a couple of morphs to the shirt.

    Post edited by Dogz on
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, Dogz! I love this dress. I wasn't going to buy it, afraid it might be too tight, but the adjustments are wonderful. The ladies actually can look like they are wearing bras. :lol:

    Here are a couple of renders I did with it. The one with Beatrix uses the baggy sweater morph. (The plus size lady is Rayne for V6)

    1600 x 1232 - 472K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,875
    edited December 1969

    Dogz said:
    Thanks Sickle and glad to hear it Barbult, nice render and nice character morph too, is she your own creation? :)
    BTW I think its in the read me, but if you ever want to have a t-shirt / top overlaying a skirt; you can cheat a little by using two super dresses. one for the skirt and one for the top, hide the belt hoops on the skirt and dial in a couple of morphs to the shirt.

    The online readme doesn't have much useful information (like most DAZ readme files). Is there another file somewhere that I overlooked? I didn't see any usage tips, like the one you just gave about the two dresses. Neat idea. I played around with layering several of your products together. Here is 3-in-1 Skinny Pants (autofit), Super Dress (shirt length), Mall Jacket (autofit) and Steel Frame Glasses. Look how all your stuff works together, even on models it wasn't designed for! This outfit was all inspired by the pink and purple paisley.

    I have a question about the glasses. What is the difference between the two clear lens materials?

    800 x 1035 - 653K
  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Barbult, about the 2 lenses mats; one is has pure white/grey base as the diffuse colour, the other has subtle blueish/ greenish/ turquoise tint, just different types of clear glass.

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited December 1969

    How do things like this for G2F work on Genesis? ...or is it a no-go?

  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited October 2013

    It doesn't work with Gen 1 at all, Since it appears auto fit wont support Gen 2 > Gen 1 conversions.
    And even if it did I doubt the results would be very nice. Biggest problem? Genesis 2 F comes with breasts by default, but Genesis 1 does not. that the right ingredient for messy auto fit conversion right there.
    From the breasts perspective, its much easier to develop clothing for Gen 2 F than it is for Genesis 1 females.

    Post edited by Dogz on
  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited December 1969

    OK, thanks for the follow-up! :)

  • DestinysGardenDestinysGarden Posts: 2,550
    edited December 1969

    The dress and legging combo flew through my cart so fast, I completely did not know there were texture expansions until I saw this thread. I'll be getting those too. Thanks for such a versatile outfit Dogz. I love that all your clothes are stylish, yet practical.

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited December 1969

    Dogz said:
    It doesn't work with Gen 1 at all, Since it appears auto fit wont support Gen 2 > Gen 1 conversions.
    And even if it did I doubt the results would be very nice. Biggest problem? Genesis 2 F comes with breasts by default, but Genesis 1 does not. that the right ingredient for messy auto fit conversion right there.
    From the breasts perspective, its much easier to develop clothing for Gen 2 F than it is for Genesis 1 females.

    Actually it works just fine on Genesis if you've got my clone (for the base conversion) and SRMS (for the breast bridging morphs). That's a big outlay if one has neither to start with, but a lot of dedicated G1 users have one or both at this point.

    Shown on V5.

    687 x 885 - 231K
  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited December 1969

    How about using the Sickle Breast Fixer G? I have that! :)

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited December 1969

    3doutlaw said:
    How about using the Sickle Breast Fixer G? I have that! :)

    That works, too. ;)

  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited October 2013

    Ahh Fair enough Sickle, ;)
    but out of the box - it wont work with Genesis 1. (basically I didn't want 3doutlaw spending money on my product if its not gonna not work out for his needs.)
    Good call on the breast fixer, the above image reminds me of Total Recall - other than that, it looks usable :)
    You might have just made a sale or two from me, before the day is up, sickle. well done there:D

    Post edited by Dogz on
  • nobody1954nobody1954 Posts: 933
    edited December 1969

    The perfect outfit for those days when it seems the whole universe is against you. Thanks, Dogz. VERY nice work. I will be picking up the add-ons in the future.

    800 x 600 - 471K
  • DogzDogz Posts: 898
    edited December 1969

    Nice fog, nobody - where or how did you get that if you don't mind me asking?

  • nobody1954nobody1954 Posts: 933
    edited December 1969

    Dogz said:
    Nice fog, nobody - where or how did you get that if you don't mind me asking?

    The fog is from a camera set by Oskarsson, sold over at Renderosity. They do work quite nicely.

  • Bruno AcciolyBruno Accioly Posts: 22
    edited December 1969

    I would love to have something like that for Genesis (not only Genesis 2 Female).

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