How to make eyes all black, like an alien or a demon from Supernatural?

in New Users
How to make eyes all black, like an alien or a demon from Supernatural?
I can select the eyes and change them into other normal eyes, but how do I control the color of the sclera or remove the pupil?
I guess I can "hide" the pupil by rolling the eye so it is facing backwards, but then I need to change the white part to black.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Select your figure and then look at your Surfaces pane (you may have to display the Surfaces pane from the Window menu if you don't already have it available) and look for something like Eye Moisture, Cornea and/or Tear Surface. If you set those surface colors to black, you should end up with black eyes. You may want to try a black plastic shader so they have a little bit of gloss to them.
You should be able to select the Sclera in the list of surfaces in the Surfaces pane>Editor tab. You can't use the Surface selection tool because it will hit the outer surface instead.
OK got it - but I can still see the iris and pupil - how can I remove them? I cant roll the eyes compeltelyback as a work around.
ok i found out how to remove the limits, but now there is an envirnmentmap reflected in the eyes - how do i get rid of that? reflection is turned off