Fresh Install

I have been trying for days to move my content to a portable drive without anything remotely resembing success. I have CTE (too many concussions, same thing the NFL players are suing for) so understanding directions can be difficult. I figured that somewhere I was missing a step. My Smart Content consistently shows a single icon under figures. That figure hasn't been installed. After installation, it shows the same single figure and it tells me the file doesn't exist. Twice I have reinstalled all my content. Still the Smart Content shows only the same figure. The Content Manger shows icons for all my figures. When I attempt to select one, I get a "File Does Not Exist" error. Yet, when I Browse to File, it goes directly to the file

I thought that a fresh install would be the answer. In the past, uninstall was an option under DAZ but not this time. I delected all the directory for DAZ under Program Files. I delected the directories on the hard drive under /users/public/public documents. Still, when I start a freshly downloaded Install Manager it knows my email address and has the options selected (PORTABLE DRIVE   and D:/DAZ Content that I set up before.

What file is retaining this data? How do I get rid of it so I get a totally fresh install?


  • tophandtophand Posts: 123

    Ok.... now I did a direct copy from my desktop PC (which is working) to the external drive which is now connected to my laptop.  Set preferences in DAZ on laptop to directory as shown   

    Zero smart content  - All the icons show under Content Libray but clicking them results in File Doesn't Exist - yet Windows File Manager finds them easily

    1152 x 576 - 255K
  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,253

    I've almost never used Smart Content but like yourself, DAZ installs and locations in particular have given me the willies over the last few years and having a head injury definitely has not helped. sad

    Mapping to the correct location, Mac or PC, what version of Studio, DIM or manual installs originally are all going to come into play with this.

    I don't know which is the controlling script or file but if I'm not mistaken you want to set your "preferences" (including content locations) at the outset. And sometimes you want to "Refresh" a given directory tree -- it's in the Content Library, right-click on a folder to see it.

    Like most people I should think, I have external drives. I have yet to put any DAZ content on those devices though.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Smart Content is stupid (let me explain).  I feel a lot of people see "Smart" and think it is some type of artificail inteligence, it is not.  Smart Content is a database view of your content and needs metadata tags to associate with other products (the illusionary Smart part).  If you move your content the database needs to be updated as it will still point to the old location.

  • LenioTGLenioTG Posts: 2,118

    Actually, I love Smart Content...I would never remember how many items I could use in some situations otherwise.

    I don't know why this isn't working...have you tried "Update Metadata"? If you install something from 0, does it work?

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