Can't move a pane - is there a shortcut to restore?
I opened the pane called Shader Mixer and dragged it a bit so I could see my model. I didn't realize that the top bar was the only part of this window that would trigger a move tool. I dragged the top bar off screen thinking I could click any other part of the pane and drag it back on screen. But clicking on the visible parts of the frame is only letting me resize the pannel horizontally. The top bar remains pinned off screen. It's pretty annoying because the top bar has buttons on it that I now can't see. What do I do? Do I have to reinstall Daz if I ever want to normally access this window again? Or is there a quick key or function that will refit the pane on screen. If I close and restart Daz, the pane is still in the same place. I still can't mouse over a drag to move area of the pane. See screen shot attached.
Thanks for your help!

Try Window -> Workspace -> Off Screen Pane (Tab) Group...
@andya_b341b7c5f5 Yesss! Thank you! That's it.