need help!

I tried to use the help center. But a lot of the information that they want does not apply. Then when I look at one of the options and i realize it doesn't apply. Then I hit the back key. And everything I filled out on the ticket. Disappears. My problem: I have been a member of this site for a long time. This is when poser was version 5. Somewhere back in the early 2000s. Through the years I would be on and off again. I believe what I did was start new accounts. I remember buying products that are not in my account now. Mimic lite and mimic Pro. Amongst other things. How can I get all these things in one account?


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848

    People on the forums are only store users, you really need to file a support ticket for a question like that.

  • You would need to find the emails for the old accounts.

  • Leana, how can I do that, when every time I look at and option. And I go back. Everything I have already entered. Disappears.
  • siteandsoundsiteandsound Posts: 45
    edited January 2019
    That's no problem. I only have one other email address. I had a couple usernames. Yeah I know what you're thinking. What an idiot. But back then I wasn't in my right mind. 22 years ago I had a stroke. It took me that long just to get to where I am. And I'm still nowhere where i used to be.
    Post edited by siteandsound on
  • When you go to ZenDesk from Daz you are often not logged in - click the Sign In button at top-right and you should be, and then won't need tore -enter the basic information.

  • Well I'm not sure what zendesk is. So I did a search on it. This is what I come up with. Attached
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  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848
    Well I'm not sure what zendesk is. So I did a search on it. This is what I come up with. Attached

    Zendesk is where you create support tickets, you go there from Help menu in the store then Contact us > Submit a help ticket

  • siteandsoundsiteandsound Posts: 45
    edited January 2019
    Thank you, I'll do that.
    Post edited by siteandsound on
  • Well I submitted the help ticket. And this is what I got back;
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  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848

    According to the screenshot you didn't fill some required fields in your ticket

    • Order# => "N/A" since it's not related to a particular order
    • Application => "Not applicable"
    • Sales ticket tracker => I would suggest "Account Recovery"
    • Tech Ticket Tracker => I would suggest "Sales support Issue"
  • You need to compleet those fields - the Tech one can be NA, I think, or Not an Issue, and you can typ NA into order number. For the other two, picjk anything since it isn't relevant anyway.

  • None of that applies to my problem. I would just like to put everything in one account. Those other accounts are over 15 years old
  • Richard, so you're saying that I could just put anything into those fields? Just so that it will go through?
  • siteandsoundsiteandsound Posts: 45
    edited January 2019
    Thank you so much! That time it went through. I hope they can do something for me. I hate the thought of buying all those products again. I still couldn't find zendesk. The only thing I found in the drop-down menu, was help. When I clicked on that. It took me to the help center.
    720 x 1280 - 79K
    Post edited by siteandsound on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848
     I still couldn't find zendesk. The only thing I found in the drop-down menu, was help. When I clicked on that. It took me to the help center.

    If you look at the URL when you're in Help Center you'll see it says "zendesk".

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