I figured out FBX import into Daz Studio
ibr_remote aka infinity10
Posts: 471
I am using DS 4.10 Pro and I finally figured out why my Mixamo-exported FBX figures were not importing properly. It is the animation rig. So, if you just want the Mixamo figures loading into DS, you need to take strip out the animation rig, re-save, the import into Daz Studio. You get a T-posed figure which is not distorted. I suppose the next step is to rig the figure inside DS !
(To strip out the animation rig, I used Blender 3D.)
960 x 1280 - 907K
I had an earlier solution which involved DAE format, and I wrote my method up in my DeviantArt account here;
UPDATE - I discovered that for rigging, DS only recognises OBJ geometries, so I exported the stripped FBX as an OBJ with all materials and groupings intact. I then imported the OBJ geometry in the Figure Setup panel of Daz Studio. I need to add and assign bones manually, and I am using the legacy rigging (not tri-ax).
there is another way
not free
use Poser 11pro
import FBX, save as cr2 the clothes, hair too
and the motions as pz2
load in DAZ studio, edit convert rigging to weightmapping I choose triax
save as support asset figure, the clothing and hair as well
load it all fit the clothing and hair to figure apply the pz2 motion
As someone who's been trying to get FBX imported for some time, and would love to have it work properly (without having to pay out for a completely different program to convert it through*)... I've got to be honest, my face sank pretty quickly when I opened the thread.
* It's insane. I've installed an FBX exporter for Blender that uses the proper Autodesk libraries (aka the absolutely bona-fide version of the format)... and Daz doesn't accept the files properly.
Getting models into Daz with no rigging is pretty trivial - I use OBJ format for that all the time; I've got several clothing items into Daz that way. The problem is that I then have to rig them with Daz's tools, rather than being able to use the tools from Blender or the like that I've got much more experience with (and which run much more smoothly on my system).
I'm really holding out for a proper solution.
You could try using Autodesk's FBX convertor. Almost all tools that use FBX work with that output.
oops dble posted
AHHHH I do not understand it but the Mixamo FBX file now loads correctly in Daz Studio 10 without my doing anything else !!
I don't know how to render the animation, but this imported FBX is animated.
I tell you, I do not understand why, but these Mixamo FBX figures wth animation rigs are now importing directly without problem, and animation works as well (except I don't know how to render the animation to show you)
(am using DimensionTheory's HDR background)
In Mixamo, I selected the Maria JJ Ong figure, applied the Great Sword Idle animation to her, generated the FBX, then imported to Daz Studio. Please ignore the ground and boots - not so realistically set up in the scene. Otherwise, no problem in importing.
the binary or ASCII options can make a difference to how mangled the bones are, I have found one keeps the hierarchy the other doesn't, mesh messes up regardless, maybe Mixamo have changed something recently as I can for example import Carrara rigged stuff to DAZ studio via collada but not othe third party stuff via Carrara so not all rigging the same, Makehuman will even import rigged to DAZ studio via Collada.
Perhaps. I can't figure out what happened with the Mixamo FBX and the DS import. It is all very very curious.
I saved the entire scene but when I re-opened it in DS, the animation is gone, and the figure is in T-pose - and not at all distorted.
DS scene saving appears not to be able to understand how the FBX animation component gets saved in the scene.
Here is my rendered animation - at youtube. It took so many hours.... the animation came with the FBX file generated by Mixamo.
ah cool indeed, I may need to retry Mixamo new downloads as my old downloads still mangled messes unless I go via Poser
Folks - I can confirm - the rigging for Autodesk Character Generator FBX figure, when animated using Mixamo, is not compatible with Daz Studio. Character Generator provides you with a T-posed FBX figure, which you can then upload to Mixamo and aniamte. However, when you use the animated FBX from Mixamo, Daz Studio cannot interprete the rigging, and you get a horribly distorted mess. I have also confirmed that the un-animated FBX figure direct from Charatcer Generator, is also a hoorible mess once imported into Daz Studio. I bleieve the Autodesk rigging cannot be interpreted by Daz Studio. Therefore, if you like the characters and animation of Mixamo, you can get pretty safe FBX for use with Daz Studio. Don't try with Autodesk Character Generator figures.