animate blocking timeline?


Ok done a animation with 1500 frames, and several thousand keyframes on timeline.but one thing I can't get in my head.

I have done blinks and facial expression with animate, to better move around, rest timeline.

Why when I am on timeline and I use e.g. "eyes side to side" I can make keyframes and adjust the value. But some things like "brows" for example don't work. If I change the value from 0 to 50 for example, and I go to next frame, it jumps back to previous.

Does somehow animate block the timeline, because the brow value is probably used in the aniblock? If yes, I stop using animate....tried several days to get my head around....just does wierd stuff. With simple 



You can not use both AniMate and the timeline at the same time. While you have AniBlocks active/visible (the eye icon next to the track name on the left side in AniMate) the AniMate plug-in is in control, and AniBlocks will play. Disabling all AniBlocks transfers control to the Daz timeline. Only one of these can be used at any time, not both together.
If AniMate takes control, any keyframes on the timeline will disappear.

As Jaderail says, you can bake AniBlocks to the timeline, but be aware that this will replace any previous animations on the timeline. (Not sure if all keys will be replaced, or only as far as the length of the AniBlock.) (Baking to the timeline will leave the AniBlocks in AniMate, but disable them as I mention above)


Don't understand this. My animation is using aniblocks AND timeline.....both work together. I even adjust/finetune blinks"eyeclose" on timeline, which are blocks on animate. If above would be true, I cannot do that. Also I have eye movements in aniblock(Expressions) but can still adjust in timeline.

Post edited by ABLAGEFACH5 on
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