Average everyday standing poses

Hey everyone,
I am looking for standing poses collection that are quite natural and everyday. There is no shortage of fancy modeling poses all the way to the extreme and the impossible, but when I try to find your everyday standing poses, it is hard to find. I have a pose collection by Rarestone which is really good, and I can make some my own, but it never hurt to get some extra inspiration.
Any recommendations?
Post edited by Paintbox on
My favorite pose vendor right now is definitely Zeddicus. His poses always seem natural and balanced. In addition to some of the specialized poses, he's also created some he calls the "Z Utility" series. These are designed to be more "every day" type poses rather than ones that are posing for specific photo shoots or action shots. One you might be looking for is Z Utility Series: Simply Standing.
Thanks @jonnyray, that seems like a versatile set of poses, I didn't know about the utility series, and these poses look really good. It's always nice to have a lower and upper variation as well.
What gender and generation of figures are you looking to pose?
Hi Christ, g8 , both male & female for a story I am working on. g3 is possible, I have a tool to convert g3 to g8 poses.
I'm not the messiah, I'm a very naughty boy.
A couple of G3F pose sets:
Haha, that is the most akward typo in quite a while :)
Thanks for the recommendations though, especially that last one is really interesting. Just normal standing.
I've pined for a "just standing with bad posture and doing nothing" pose for years now, to no avail. Daz characters don't seem to be able to relax, they always have to be doing something with their hands and/or mouth. I just make my own these days - it's easier and more unique.
The second is what I need, but in gen 8.1 male and female.