Saving Pose presets to Pose tab in smart content

Is there anyway i can save my own pose presets to the Pose tab section and categorise them
so they show up with all other poses as oposed to now they are under saved files.


  • Yes - select them, right-click on one of the selected items, Ctaegorise. In the list you can then uncheck to remove them for categories they are in or check to add a a new category (the text style in the hierarchy shows whether they are currently in a category, or a child of a category, or not).

  • My 3D SpinMy 3D Spin Posts: 609
    edited February 2019

    Yes - select them, right-click on one of the selected items, Ctaegorise. In the list you can then uncheck to remove them for categories they are in or check to add a a new category (the text style in the hierarchy shows whether they are currently in a category, or a child of a category, or not).

    Okey. But i cant have them in the Pose tab in Smart content with all other poses?

    Mod edit :-To sort quote out.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Yes, but you need tot ell the system that theya re compatible with the target figure - have the figure loaded and selected in the scene, then drag the pose icons from the Content Library pane to the Smart Content pane category.

  • My 3D SpinMy 3D Spin Posts: 609
    edited February 2019

    Yes, but you need tot ell the system that theya re compatible with the target figure - have the figure loaded and selected in the scene, then drag the pose icons from the Content Library pane to the Smart Content pane category.

    You mean drag it from Saved files that already is in Smart Content to the pose tab. I tried that but it was not present in any catogory of the poses

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Ok. I got it working - Thank you Richard

  • Yes, but you need tot ell the system that theya re compatible with the target figure - have the figure loaded and selected in the scene, then drag the pose icons from the Content Library pane to the Smart Content pane category.

    You mean drag it from Saved files that already is in Smart Content to the pose tab. I tried that but it was not present in any catogory of the poses

    It should be in the Content Library - nothing should appear in the Smart Content pane that isn't in the Content Library pane.

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