Using other game face/body textures in Daz3D?

in New Users
Hello guys,Iam new here and currently trying to apply this face textures of my character in skyrim to a G8F figure to no avail.
I known you have to adjust it to fit with g8f's UV map but where I can find said UV map?
How do I properly adjust it?
Currently at lost here,good love to have some pointer from the pro!

2048 x 2048 - 4M
take screenshots and use Facegen
you can get good quality snapshots using Nifskope
There are no other ways mate?
I foung that the texture quality degrade alot using this method :(
Does the Skyrim EULA actually allow this?
I dare say the same as using photographs of celebrities owned by photographers
the actual use would be limited to personal
I was asking about the EULA, not a general legal position - though I'm not sure how the situation you outline would be related to the use of game assets.
1 years ago,no,anything made by modder belong to modder.
Skyrim did change their EULA one year ago but its only apply to mod uploaded after the change,which is not the case here.