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Version 4 - I have changed both spotlights to Gobo and lowered the light that is coming from the window. I have also reshaded the back barre supports to match the front ones.
@sueya You have done a great job of re-lighting your scene, you still have that very nice rim light on the back of the figure. The light that is casting the shadow appears to be coming from directly above though, and there is no light source there. I think a small adjustment of that light to the light fixture or a larger adjustment to the window will give you more realistic lighting.
My therd go. Added somethings. i think my whales need some work
I widened the wall, somewhere in-between the first and most recent revision's widths, while keeping both characters lined up on the left and right thirds-lines. Adjusted her expression to express more urgency and added a soft red-tinted light from the side of her face to slightly elevate the feeling of desperation. Also removed the block obstacle and increased detail/subD mesh level on the alien-monster to get a better view and impression of him.
dragoneyes002 Based on previous versions suggestions/corrections I want to keep the whole figure fully in frame so no part of her is extending out of view while still having her closeup. Also, to keep her lined up on the thirds-line, a fully outstretched arm won't quite work for this. Luckily I've given enough ceiling headroom clearance so that she can be slightly propped up without a problem. Thank you very much for the suggestion though, as what you're saying makes total sense, particularly if the ceiling were lower or she were avoiding something dangerous liked barbed wire. (I imagine that would make for an interesting scene as well-a character maneuvering through a maze of tight barbed or electrocuting wires).
That is such a great concept. I never would have thought to try something like that. Nicely done.
I really like the addition of the background. It gives some texture and interest to the image without taking anything away from your figure. The hummingbird is much easier to see in the 2nd image.
This is really progessing quite nicely.
A really nice image dragoneyes002. I love the cat wallpaper on the monitor screen. Nice touch. It is all the little details that really make an image.
You may need to adjust the posing on your figure. I think her right foot might be intersecting her left shin slightly.
How is the lamp on the nightstand lighted? It looks like the top is a solid shade so I am not sure it would be shinning light up the wall.
The daylight scene is really looking quite good. I like the shadows you have created and the posing looks natural.
The moonlight scene also has some interesting shadows but I am finding it a bit dark. What settings did you use for Tone Mapping? Is this the You Tube video you used by Sickle Yield?
If you can @sueya maybe a very soft light that illuminates her front? The changes you have made are subtle but make such a huge difference.
Love the shark.
You have a lot going on in the foreground but no much behind the characters. Maybe some seaweed just past the rocks for some depth? Or maybe have your whales swimming away in the distance?
She has a great expression. Definitely feeling the urgency of her escape. I would suggest a very slight bend to her left forearm so there is a little bit of space between the fingers of her left hand and the heel of her right hand.
The right arm of your monster is not in contact with the floor. Maybe adjust his left hand so it is slightly straighter and his fingers to do not block the vew of his "eyes".
Great work.
Everyone is doing such amazing work. You are going to make things hard for the Judges at the end of the month.
Thanks for pointing me to that video from Sickle Yield. I did not check that one out and it has some good information in it. I used the one that she created for volumetric lighting to see how that is done. I have attached the tone mapping settings I used for the moonlight scene. I kept the exposure value setting the same, even though I changed the ISO and shutter speed, but adjusted the white point color setting. I need to play with these settings quite a bit more to see how they affect the scenes. I am approaching the tone mapping settings through a DSLR lens (yes, pun intended), as I am familar with those settings on my camera.
I made some adjustments to the moonlight scene (now version 4) based on @dtrscbrutal comments and it is a bit lighter. I still need to work on the color of the moonlight as it is not the color I am going after. Thanks all for the suggestions, they are much appreciated by this newbie.
the shade is actually colored glass (was see through but had to remove the lightbulb to stop shadows from it so I reduced the refraction) but its a dome with a hole at the top not seen at that angle. the foot is suposed to be pushed into the other leg a bit may be a bit too much but really small adjustments start to skip when you have that many items in the scene
My understanding is that the tone mapping settings work the same as a DSLR camera so you should be in good shape there...just have to experiment and play to see what works.
I like this version. Her face is lit up quite nicely and is definitely the focus of the image.
Camera angles can also cause optical illusions. I have had it happen many times.
@bastian2560 You are layering that up nicely. Great work!
I have not done a fully underwater scene as of yet, I think getting the depth/background right is tricky. I agree with what Kismet2012 posted.
Very cool added characters. You are making good progress.
@testingtesterson35 You are really playing up the drama with those changes, well done!
I think Kismet2012 made some valid points.
You might consider really extending out the monsters arm toward the other character if you want to add more movement/threat. Think claw hand.
Such a great idea and image.
@Kismet2012 Thank you so much!
I really try to get out of my comfort zone and do something I don't know how to, or have not tried yet here in the new user challenge. It is great to get feedback on how I'm doing.
I am glad I am not a judge. I participated/voted in the Raining Men Contest, it was almost painful to pair it down to three votes.
Some great work happening in the challenge this month, great info being shared to.
@sisyphus1977xx Very nice! I really like what you've done. That is a tricky bit of lighting you are pulling off carrying the blue light across the model and background without throwing ugly shadows.
Keep a close eye on those hard shadows trying to pop up on the screen left shoulder, small adjustments can have dramatic affect good or bad. Thanks for including your tone mapping info.
I like the city at night vibe in your image, great stuff.
@dragoneyes002 If you already know this just ignore. On the pose sliders ( actually all of them ) if you click the number you can adjust the value out to 0.0000+ by just entering the numbers from keyboard. I have found this invaluable when things really start to bog down or a tiny adjustment is needed. I usually write down the value I start with so I can revert back if needed. You can also copy/paste there too.
I'll echo what Kismet2012 wrote about camera angle and optical illusions, and add that there can be lens distortion as well depending on setting.
Rendered this a couple of nights back, but had trouble uploading it. Main light is from the muzzle flash while the light we see outside (if any) was done using the Iray GeoLocator plugin set to my hometown right about at sunset the night that I ran the render.
Is that a puddle he is running through? If not, then the heel of his left foot is intersecting the ground.
I know nothing of guns or how they are used so if this is way off just ignore. Is the muzzle of the gun too low? He looks like he is aiming more at the ground. Or maybe it is the camera's angle that is giving that appearance.
Sometimes on my way to work I admire the way the morning sunlight has lit up the tops of the trees but the rest are still in shadow. I havne't tried yet to duplicate the effect in a render. That tool by Allesandro_AM looks like it could be fun to play with.
Version 5
I have moved the overhead light to align it with the overhead spotlight. I have also adjusted the light from the window. The shadow on the floor is less well defined as a result of adjusting the spotlights
The spot looks like it is shining on the floor in the foreground, looking at the reflection in the mirror, and I would try angling it up more to shine on the dancer and get her more in the centre of the spot.
I have been testing different lights and am not sure which of these looks better. I would appreciate any help and to know if there is something I could do to improve the lighting. Thanks
@vpaintersue The 3rd image has an ethereal feel to it.
I find the background? lights? ( not sure what is creating the effect ) distracting in the 2nd image but your figure is more prominent than the 3rd image.
The first image is a little too dark. I like the highlight along her cheek and shoulder. Perhaps a very soft spotlight on her face to soften the shadows just a little. For me personally I think this one is the most successful overall of the 3 versions.
I do this sometimes myself...try out different lighting to see what I like the best.
Thanks for all the advice
. Here is go number seven, some of the renders just didn't look right. I have tried useing a few more layers in gimp to see if i could get some depth to the background.
Version 6 I have improved the shadow on the floor but the rim lighting that some people liked is not as pronounced. This will probably be my final version as I don't have much more time to work on this before the end of the month.
The rim lighting is still there sueya. Now your dancer really shines. You have done some really good work this month.