Help with manual positioning issues.

Greetings friends; first post here. I'm having consistent issues trying to manage the positioning of figures, and I'm unsure whether it is an actual problem or some unwanted quirk of the software.
At the meat of it, my figure's position 'jumps' when I try to move nodes manually (as in, not using the parameter/posing sliders). For example, I'll move a hand to try to lift the forearm/elbow a little (to lay it flat against the top of a table) and the whole torso immediately shifts away from it's current posing. Sometimes (if I dont have any nodes locked) the entire figure will translate away from its centre, like when I move a wrist an inch the whole figure repositions itself outside of its bounding box and drives it further and further away from the manipulator.
Now while this may not be much of an issue with human figures (I have, after all, been working with this issue since I got DS months ago) it becomes unbearable when trying to use figures like worms or snakes or props like chains/cables/pipes. It is becoming impossible to finely manipulate some figures all together, and while I can work around it it is slowly driving me mad.
Might this be an existing problem others have experienced? Or is it perhaps due to the lack of my desktop's capabilities? (Note, this occurs regardless of how many figures are in the scene and of how complex said figures are) Or is it perhaps 'just the way things are' and I have to deal with it?
Thanks so much, looking forward to your responses.
There was a known issue which should be fixed in the current Public beta, - assuming that isn't what you are using it may be worth giving it a try.
Thanks for the reply. Once I've backed up my stuff, I'll give it a whirl and check.