How to create shiny leather?
I want to create some smooth and shiny leather textures. But I simply do not know how to get that effect. It should look like this: or this :
I guess I have to work with glossiness, specular and reflection settings. But no matter what I do, it always looks wrong and weird.
Can someone help me please and suggest me how to get the desired look?
Thank you!
We have a NU Shader contest Running right now. Much info and helpy folks in it.
Ok, thanks. I had a quick look and it is really interesting.
Bump mapping seems to be very important. Now, when I use a leather texture on an object and I want to add a bump map, what is the usual way?
Can I simply use the texture image and convert it to greyscale? Texture and bump have to match (I guess) and that would be the easiest way. Is it done like this?
Edit: Can it be that some of those leathers use a bump map only (without any texture) to achieve that effect?
Do you want the 'usual' way or the better way? lol
The usual way is just converting the diffuse to grayscale, which isn't the best way to do it since you end up getting unnecessary data passed to the render engine.
The better way is hand painting on a neutral gray background (128,128,128). Darker areas indent, and whiter areas raise.
An actual bump map would look more like a transmap with varied hues in between.
Lets say you want part of the yellow on the diffuse to raise up. See images. Notice how the bump marked "yes" has no other texture information other than the portions you want to "move".
Thanks Vaskania.
Yes, hand painting sounds good - for more simple and easy maps. But how would you hand paint a bump map for a texture like this: ?
(I do not know if I am allowed to post the image itself, so I decided to post the link)
You know, I am asking about leather here :-)
Since that seems to have highlights and lowlights already on it, you just might get away with converting it to black and white. I'm on my tablet now so I can't try it.
No problem. I can try it for myself and see how it works.
But, I am afraid, my question is not fully answered yet. Are there any special settings for shiny leather or is it just trial and error? Any suggestions would be useful.
You can achieve a pretty good leather look from the new Sub-Surface Shader by Age of Armour. I have a render going so I can't check the exact name, play around with the noise settings under Bump.
For shiny you'll probably want to play with spec and gloss. You could also start with a latex shader if you have one, add your bump, and go from there.
Ok, I played a little more and I think I am slowly getting the hang on it. This is a test image with my first self created leather shader. The only texture is in the bump channel. Not too bad for the beginning imho :-)
Not bad at all. :)