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Some cool new movie sets I've just picked up this month have me really excited - already have some really cool action sequences in the works for these. While not PC+ items, they are labeled as Daz Originals. A few, but certainly not all, of The DigiVault's products are DO. I really love how these are put together, the maps that came with them are perfect... really happy!
The Silent City
Immense scene that screams future post-apocalypse. I really love how multi-level it is and it's very efficiently built, which is what I was really nervous about. It could have gone either way - I rolled the dice, bought it, and won... big time!
The Underside - Also by The DigiVault
I got this one to go along with The Silent City as an interior portion. Works beautifully. Fits right in. The spot where the characters are sitting in this image is an open window area leading out to empty space, which is populated further out with a nice, efficient cityscape of high-rise buildings and neon signs. I was having fun playing with some of the DCG Enhance C shader functions on the neon glows! :)
As you can see, in just three short months I've added some really awesome content to my library at an absolute minimal expense. I'm really pinching the pennies these days - I'm glad that even through all of this, I can add such wonderful assets to my collection. It will make my new site/videos that much more rich with content - especially since most of these new items I'm getting have texture maps designed for use with Iray, which is a topic I'm writing about intensely for Carrara shader options. Really pretty cool stuff!
Until next time!
I didn't use PC+ to but my new Sci Fi Cruiser, by TheDigiVault, so I decided to write about it in the Commons forum:
Having Fun with TheDigiVault!!!
It's along the same lines as my Commons TheAntFarm thread:
My 'TheAntFarm' Wishlist
It took a bit of forever, and then some, to get this rendered on my crappytop.
This is TheDigiVault's awesome new The Outpost scene as I have set it up as a base save in my Carrara browser using a modified atmosphere from what used to be in my EnvironKits. The scene comes complete with some beautiful badlands scenery along with some great looking stones and boulders. I really love the set. I've used some of the included texture maps in the Translucency field for the shades.
...and here is a closer-up shot with the PPU-T2000 mech walking out, which I've used DCG Enhance C to create an asymmetrical shader set for, and a tiny volumetric cloud on the left (lower) foot to kick up a little dust without overdoing it.
This is Awesome!
PC+ has certainly opened up (again) a LOT more opportunities for me to grab some amazing gear given my current (tight) financial state... and I'm loving it!
I may not be able to play in Carrara as much right now - until I build a new machine - but collecting content again sure does help to take the edge off of the waiting! At least my machine is letting me optimize content and save to my browser for when I get stable again. It might blue screen on me in the middle sometimes, but I just try again, and save when I get to a good spot, etc.,
Lately there's been a bunch of excellent beneficial sales to PC+ members, allowing me even more mileage. Here's a little update on new gear I've grabbed up:
Seven of the Odysseon Station products by Nightshift3d!
Odysseon Station Control Center
Odysseon Station Security Checkpoint
Odysseon Station Landing Bay
Odysseon Station Storage Bay
Odysseon Station Computer Room
Odysseon Station Medical Lab
Odysseon Station Stasis Chamber
I have to say, each of these Odysseon Station products are fully fleshed-out environments. Really nice! The main promo pic for the Stasis Chamber almost makes it seem like it's just a chamber. Nope. It's a whole (awesome) room full of SciFi goodness including (like all the others I've listed) an entire entrance hallway with windows that peer into the main room. Very nice kit, especially for animated works.
Here is a look at a quick setup in Carrara of the Control Room. Shaders were an easy build. Built-in placement of modeled lights is the only place I've put lights, and they're simple spot lights set to 90 degree lighting angle, each with a second spot light for the volumetric cone effect at tighter angles. Like I said, quick setup, and I was going for a bit of a dark atmosphere.
...continuing on, here are more of the amazing products I've grabbed, not including a good pile of incredible freebies:
I got these next three items to all go together, and to fit in with the other post-apocalyptic stuff I've been getting from TheAntFarm and TheDigiVault and others:
B.A.W. (I love this thing!)
Floating Junk (I love this thing too!)
Dystopian Desert Destruction Kit (Amazing!!!)
These are all by TheAntFarm and are VERY EASY to set up and work with in Carrara. Oh, and they render really nicely too!
I'm not sure if PC+ played a part in getting this one, but since I got this as well, and I'm all excited about it, I better show it off here too:
Cold Fusion - New kit by TheDigiVault!
Here are a couple of shots of the Sci Fi Cruiser with the really cool Stardome that TheDigiVault includes with the product, even though he also sells a Stardome collection. Very cool! And it has me wanting to get my hands on that collection. It WILL be mine!!! In fact, I love everything I own from TheDigiVault and plan to collect his entire works!
I used RavnHeart/ToxicAngel's really nice Sci Fi Ship Construction Kit to add some extra living/working space to the Cruiser, as well as to give it some wings, extra reinforcement supports and a few exterior lights. I do enjoy a good mix n' match ;)
This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
Oh... more about that Dystopian Desert Destruction Kit - by TheAntFarm: The Promo says a lot, so it's a good thing to explore, but I thought I'd mention it here in case you might have just gleened past the promo image. This thing can be set up in multitudes of ways. It comes with many presets and is available in several 'complete' variations as well as in pieces. It also has a beautiful piece of nicely modeled real estate on which to sit.
It's a DUF prop which, like Poser props, can be duplicated in Carrara. Each level of the building can be duplicated and they all stack and fit one another - even if the interior portions are used (it comes either full or empty). It even comes with an elevator!!!
So if you're looking for some destroyed building for fore, mid, or background material in your scenes, this is a REALLY GOOD one!
This kit is awesome to work with!
I built a scene with a bunch of buildings made using this set (simply by loading a full building preset and duplicating various parts from it to build more buildings) along with some optimized buildings I've had stored from "Tower City" to make a really ominous post-apocalypse scene.
The main building in focus is a quite a bit less tall to fit the scene well, and has that awesome broken up building topper on it - the one on the top of the picture in the thumbnail above - and I used several Carrara Fog primitives for a look of the smoke of a burning city, and some smaller ones that I colored bright yellow and orange to make a really neat, chaotic fire flowing through several floors of this main building, and then duplicated that to a few other buildings, reshaping them and shuffling them for uniqueness
Then I put a new character of the Daz Dragon 3 that I made recently on top of that main building in a really cool pose, painting the idea that he's ripping the building apart... looks really freaking cool!
Of course, this is all backgroung action behind our stars of the show: Rosie and Dartanbeck, who are filling the left third of the camera - all sweaty and loaded for destruction.
Every time I try to render it, my broken machine blue screens. Oh well... at least I can talk about it! LOL And at least the broken PC did allow me to save the scene.