How to make my genesis 8 model smile? Specifically the Evelyn/Lynn model

in New Users
Very new to this.
I have bought this model:
And it works fine. I can make her mouth opened and closed just like we see in the preview pictures.
But, can I make her smile? be angry? get other facial expressions? Is it a genesis 8 releated question or specific to the Evelyn / Lynn model?
It's the same for all Genesis 8 models, it should be in the same area where open/close the mouth is (there should be options for "Mouth Smile", "Mouth Smile Open", "Mouth Corner Up" etc:
Click on 'Parameters' tab > 'Name of the Model' > 'Pose Controls' > 'Head' > 'Mouth'
Also: 'Parameters' tab > 'Name of the Model' > 'Pose Controls' > 'Head' > 'Expressions'
You can purchase more Expression packs in the daz3D store to vary the expressions even further. To make a genuine smile, you may also need to adjust the eyes through the same pose controls above but select 'Eyes' and adjust the amount of squint to make it more believable.
The mouth open and close is in the Head parameters. When I choose the mouth parametrs all I see is Mouth Realism HD. Why can't I see other things?
Maybe I have missed something during the install?
With G8F selected in the scene, open the Parameters tab. Type "mouth" (without the quotes!) into the search field. Then select Pose Controls from the options on the left. This is what you should see:
Note that there are other options available under Pose Controls for further adjusting facial expressions, I simply used the "mouth" filter in the search field to illustrate what you should be seeing. If you are still not showing all those options, then I would say there must be something wrong with the installation of the base figure.
I just use the Powerpose. I find it much easier to create realistic expressions.
This probably won't help, but here's what I do sometimes.
1) I start with a headshot photograph.
2) I animate the headshot in CrazyTalk. The cheapest version ($30) will do the job. CrazyTalk will automatically animate the face in response to an uploaded voice track, or you can manually animate the face, or you can choose from a collection of preset animations. Finally, export the animated head to a movie file, with voice soundtrack if desired.
3) I then layer the CrazyTalk head on top of the Daz figure, or any other video, using Hitfilm (free video editor).
Like anything else this method has it's pros and cons and won't be suitable for many folks. It requires learning CrazyTalk and Hitfilm of course, both easier to learn than Daz, because it's just 2D. The pros are that CrazyTalk is a more powerful face animater, and you can apply any face photo to your Daz figure. Headshop and Facegen do much the same thing within Daz. I can't comment much on that process as I've not explored it yet, though I plan to.
Good suggestion, I too enjoy Powerpose, and use it as my main character manipulation tool. I haven't done too much with faces yet, but Powerpose seems to have a good selection of points on the face which can be adjusted. Powerpose is a good point and click interface, pretty simple, surely worth a look.