Clothing bends badly

hi, I'm new to to DAZ3D ( well I played about with it a few years ago but nothing serious).
So I thought I'd try creating some clothing. I exported genesis into blender, created a kilt (simplest thing I could think of), did a default UV unwrap, brought it back into DAZ and transferred it onto the original figure.
It kind of works but
1) it responds terribly to posing. i get terrible hard boxy morphing when i apply leg bends
2) textures and bump maps I put on it don't seem to show up.
3) I couldn't select a clothing template as the box was greyed out.
I tried adding a smoothing mod but that didn't help much. On reflection I suppose starting with hanging clothing wasn't a good idea was it?
I guess I need to somehow distribute the deformation over a larger area? Is that what a weight map is for? Or are they something different?
Anyone suggest a tut on this stuff?
Update: I tried editing the weight map and it did improve things though I ended up with a bit of poke through and there's still bad deformation at higher leg bends.
Yes, you will need to edit the weights for anything skirt-like, though if it's knee length or longer that will probably not get you far. Mosts kirt type objects use a mioxture of additional bones and morphs to (somewhat) handle posing. A better option would probably be to use dForce to drape it in DS.
On the maps, are you sure your UVs exported from Blender? DS has a UV mode for the viewport which will sow selected surfaces on the selected object.
Thanks for the pointer on UV maps. I don't really understand them. In blender I mostly use procedural textures. I think you're right hanging clothes are going to need some more complex approach.
Hello, What I am doing for clothes is:
1) export DAZ figure with the final pose of the character
2) do the cloth stuff with the actual pose of the character
3) do a clean UV mapping. Test your uv mapping with the checker textture to correct distortions on UV
4) when all is ok export the clothe as obj. Normaly it should fit perfectly the character. Procedural texture are not understand by DAZ. use a bitmap texture for diffuse, normal map & glossy. Schema in DAZ must be Metallic/glossy.