Product Image Sizes

Please see attached images below.

Hello. I am creating products for distribution and I've noticed in my Smart Content browser that the other thumbnails have a larger "preview" than mine do. I made my images the 110 x 143 like the support documentation says. I've also looked at the other "product images" in the Runtime/Support folder. Those are all the same 110 x 143 size. So, where is this larger image stored and how do I set me products to utilize them?

For all the other images (Preset Materials, Poses, and Animations) I do have a larger thumbnail on the mouse over. I did those by using a larger image and the correct nomenclature ("materialName.duf.png" 91px X 91px for the thumbnail and "materialName.tip.png" for the larger 256px X 256px, mouse-over preview for example). I don't see anything like this in the Runtime/Support folder for product images though.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


  • The large image in the tool tip is a second .png file, 256 pixels square, named "filename.tip.png" for use with "filename.duf"

  • The large image in the tool tip is a second .png file, 256 pixels square, named "filename.tip.png" for use with "filename.duf"

    Thanks for the quick reply, Richard. I don't see any other "tip" images in the Runtime/Support folder though. Is that where it should be placed? Also, the Product images aren't square. I have the "tip" images for all the other content, but I was wondering about the Product images for the Smart Content preview.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,835
    JigSaw73 said:

    The large image in the tool tip is a second .png file, 256 pixels square, named "filename.tip.png" for use with "filename.duf"

    Thanks for the quick reply, Richard. I don't see any other "tip" images in the Runtime/Support folder though. Is that where it should be placed? Also, the Product images aren't square. I have the "tip" images for all the other content, but I was wondering about the Product images for the Smart Content preview.


    Tooltip images are located in the directory where the duf file is, like thumbnail images.

  • The only images I see in the Runtime/Support folder are all 110 x 143.

    No Tooltip images there.

  • CO3DRCO3DR Posts: 159
    I think Runtime/Supoort generally has per PRODUCT files. A PRODUCT consists of multiple ELEMENTS, which can be duf files. It's where these duf files are that you need to put the thumbnail and tooltip images, following the appropriate file naming convention. Hope this helps.
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