trying to get a wine glass to render with opacity.

in New Users
I have been trying to render a wine glass that I modeled with opacity.
The wine glass looks fine before I render.

Viewport wine glass.png
548 x 518 - 291K
I have no idea why it would appear bigger, but applying a glass shader under the Surfaces tab should give you the transparency, etc. that you desire.
Under Shader set the Refraction Index to 1.55 and the Refraction Weight to 1.00.
Open the Surface tab and select the glass surface. Shaders need both an object and surface select to apply.
Looks like you have DOF set on that camera and the glass is outside the sharp area that is why it looks fuzzy. Also set the Base Colour to White (1.00, 1.00, 1.00) Glossy Layered Weight to 1.00, Glossy Colour to White (1.00, 1.00, 1.00) and Glossy Reflectivity to 0.80.
You are welcome.