Michael 4 Base

in New Users
I'm really very confused and angry. Yesterday I bought the Michael 4 basic package for $ 29.95. I use Poser 11 pro and Daz3D 4.10.
For Daz I installed correctly with the manager of daz but in the software I can not find Michael 4 people figures. Why this thing?
For Poser, a method to install is missing in the 4 zip file.
All of this is really bad and represents a bad service from Daz!
Assuming you are using the default paths:
Go to C:/Users/Public/Docuemnts/My Daz 3D Library/Runtime/Libraries/!DAZ and double click the DzCreateExPFiles-m4.bat file (Mac users use the equvalent of the Public Documents folder, and double-click the DzCraeteExPFiles-m4.command file).
In Daz Studio use the Content Library pane and go to Poser Formats>My Daz 3D Library>Figures>Daz People to find the figure file.
In Poser, make sure that you have the C:/Users/Public/Documents/My Daz 3d Library folder selected as an external Runtime and you should then be able to find the Michael 4 figure.
Once you hae the figure loaded, go to the Pose library instead of the Figure library and in the Daz' Michael 4 folder you will find subfolders for adding the morphs (Morph Inj), materials (the All natural NG will replace the painted on trunks with smooth skin) and actual poses.
Thanks for your answer. Now I try to do what you say.
I tried but the figure of Michael 4 does not appear in the people panel of the My Daz 3D Library. It's really all so absurd.
Please post a screen shot of what you do see.