Content directory manager using previous installation's directory path!

in New Users
Hello guys,so I decided to do a clean install of Daz3d after I uninstalled the previous one using Geek uninstaller and I set my directory path like this:
All is well,and then I go to the Content Directory Manager setting and BAMs,the program still using the previous installation directory path!!?!
What went wrong guys,I thought i did a good job uninstall it but some left over registry/ini file or something like that must have survive the purge!
The isntaller won't set the paths - if you use the stand-alone isntaller you will need to set them yourself in the Content Directory Manager, if you were using DIM there is a free script that will read the DIM directory settings and apply them to DS
ah I see,thank for the answer!
I wont use DIM anytime soon,it messed up my last set-up real bad :(
Anyway,it seem that Daz3d still remember the previous file path,do you know why or how?
I would like to know so the next time I do a clean install I will make sure nothing leftover.
Did you uninstall the content too? Did you remove that folder from DIM? Unless you did DS will find it again. Just sort it out manually.
Yes i did uninstall all daz content using DIM,and then uninstall DIM with geek uninstaller,but i didnt change any folder path setting in DIM,thought i was going to uninstall it anyway so why the matter.