Free Mech Model by shop3DFrenzy

JigSaw73JigSaw73 Posts: 80
edited February 2019 in Freebies

Finally ready to release my FREE Mech. Get it from my website! Tell the world...

Post edited by Chohole on


  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,471

    Cool thanks, will give it a try!  wink  

  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,109

    Wow -thanks!  You have some great looking Mech models for purchase, too!  Can't have too many mechs (unless you are their target).

  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,102

    Thank you!

  • Beautiful model, thank you :D

  • Thanks for all the feedback! I'd love to see any renders, so please let me know when your images (and hopefully animations!) are ready!!!

    I'm working on more products (and freebies), so I'll keep them coming.

  • lukon100lukon100 Posts: 792

    Looks osum!

  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,955

    Thank You, this looks really good and just in time as I was wishing for one good mech for some time yes

  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,538

    I'll give it a look see.

  • Uh, I can't even get to this model! I just finished creating an account, but I can't see the model or do any shopping or anything! Is something wrong here?

  • jedijuddjedijudd Posts: 606

    I have the same problem, I may may have waited to long did the mechs get removed?

  • jedijudd said:

    I have the same problem, I may may have waited to long did the mechs get removed?

    Oh, good. It's not just me.

  • OrionPax09OrionPax09 Posts: 419

    Well, looks like the site is up and running properly now.

  • JigSaw73JigSaw73 Posts: 80

    Sorry about that - Wordpress automatically updated and then the site didn't work right.

    Yes, it is fixed now and I'm monitoring it closer! Thanks for checking back!!!


  • Hey is the mech still available ?  your site is down :(

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,544

    Yes and still is since I just tried to get this mech..

  • RbugRbug Posts: 166

    I keep getting site can't be reached

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,544

    Yes I placed a message on the forums for the artist with a link to this page, so hopefully he see's it and answers

  • StoicStoic Posts: 133


    You can also try leaving a message on his Deviantart.

  • Faeryl Womyn said:

    Yes I placed a message on the forums for the artist with a link to this page, so hopefully he see's it and answers

    and I removed it - the Freebies forum is not for paging, and if the artist isn't seeing replies to this thread they certainly won't see a thread which they don't have bookmarked.

  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,156

    His DA appears abandoned. Might be better off looking for a different mech.

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