Ultimate dForce Bed

I have been playing around with Ultimate dForce Bed - But most of the time the blanket dosent fall right over the figure
and instead falls on one side of the figure exposing a large part of it!
And many times it gets tangled in with the arms when posing is zero and the figure moves to pose position then destorts the whole blanket.
In the promotion text they say its so easy just pose and then simulate and the blanket falls perfectly over the body.
Anyone else had this experience? Any tips?
Post edited by My 3D Spin on
Ok thanks. That seems like a very good idea. dident know there was that option
It doesn't have to be either or - you can, if need be, set a starter pose that is more useful for the situation and use Edit>Figure>Memorise>Memorise Figure Pose to have a different starting point, instead of the zero pose.
I am already getting perfect results with keeping the pose at it is....
It was just for future reference, for example if you wanted to have one arm on top of the sheet you might want to start with the arm raised so that the sheet had a chance to settle over the body before the arm came down to its final position.