Loading morphs into Daz from another 3d program - trouble shooting glitch
I just used Morph Loader Pro to import a modification I made to the hand pose in Zbrush but the morph isn't working as I expected and is giving me a reeeeaaally weird glitch morph.
I don't have Zbrush and Daz on the same computer so I followed these steps:
1) Daz set figure to base mesh resolution
2) Daz set figure subD to 0
3) Export obj
4) Opened in Zbrush, made sweet freaking morph, and exported the obj
5) Used morph loader pro to import morph to Daz
6) carfully adjusted sliders
As you can see from the attachements, the morph is just on the hand positioning, but in Daz the whole arms are being affected. What am I doing wrong?

weird daz morph glitch.JPG
661 x 717 - 42K

1579 x 1085 - 202K
Post edited by kav on
Did you check Reverse Deformations when you imported your morph, with the pose still applied that you hd on export? Did you use the same preset in the OBJ export dialogue and the morph import dialogue?
No, I was using the default import settings. I changed Reverse Deformations to "Yes" and it works perfectly now! Thank you!!