DAZ gallery getting real interesting

in New Users
So one so called artist uploads 28 images and totally makes all other images pointless with all the work they
put in to it and DAZ is fine with that. Maybe i will try uploading 300 images and get 300 likes.
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How does the spamming make anything else pointless? The person is at least competent, which is more than I can say for a lot of folks for spam the gallery.
How does quantity of some images affect the quality of other images?
If you have a problem with the Gallery you will need to notify the Gallery team, as Forum Moderators have no control over the Gallery.
Please drop an email to aanderson@daz3d.com as she is in charge of the Gallery team.
Yea thats a real tough question!! You enter the gallery and only look at the first page or maybe what are most liked 24 hours..
So they cant limit the amount of images you upload? Great i will start uploading all my previous images again and again and totally make this gallery mine!
I did not say that. I said that you need to Contact aanderson and explain what is happening, as something has obviously gone wrong. What I was saying is that neither the Daz Forum Team nor the members who post in the forums are able to do anything. So please get in touch with the person who can deal with it. aanderson@daz3d.com
There is also a way of reporting images on the Gallery The Red trianlge with the exclamation mark.
I understand exactly what you mean, once I posted a pic I worked several months on and a few hours later somebody posted the same simple scene 7 times just from different angles. I deleted mine and post it again, not the most elegant way! I wished there would be a limit, one pic per 30h or similar...
@ Dave Yes, you're right. Theoretically. But imagine, you worked a few days or even weeks on a pic with thousand details and so on and you submit it. Normaly it has around 24h at the first page to be seen. 24h - if the submition rate is normal, one per member. In that time your pic has to collect enough likes to make it to the head banner, you will need around 25 likes to jump into. If your pic finally goes to the second page it will get much lesser views. So if someone is spamming with several submitions the initial time for your precious pic will shrink enormous. And you're not amused, if the spam is just a boring prop from all sides. I'm not speaking about works that was done with love. Anybody can upload his scenes, to make it clear. But different ones, please. And someone who works honestly to grow their skills never has several pictures in stock to upload them all together. That person will need every single of the 24h window to get their well-deserved attention, and don't forget - the half of the world is sleeping during that time... And the likes given on this gallery are very sparse in comparison to other sites. Thats why I would vote for 1pic per 30h. Thats more than enough to hold on a certain quality of the DAZ gallery! So you can proof your self: how often are you going to the second page and how often you give a thumb up there. And how often you did a time and brain consuming work and had to see it gone after a few hours into the Nirvana... because someone was posting his very first steps in modeling a table (for example). 6 times. Views from all sides. Hmmm.?!
Well, if Daz could organize the gallery into Instagram-like booklets, then users wouldn't have this problem. You could upload 10 camera angles of the same scene, and only the top photo of the booklet would show up.
Ok @Dave, that would be a nice idea, but I'm afraid that is not possible here. It does not even exist that simple @message function... or I'm wrong?
Your experiences are not the same as everyone else and what one person cosiders art another may not. Just because you spent several days on an image doesn't make your work any more important than the person that is wanting to showcase their new modeling skills. I can't imagine spending more than a day or 2 on an image, so there is another difference. I have had several images make it into the banner on top, so allowing time for likes and comments isn't a big factor, although I am sure it couldn't hurt. When I go to check out the galleries, I usually go several pages in to see what I might have missed since I don't visit them daily..
I wouldn't want DAZ to put time or upload restrictions on the gallery. It's already to restrictive IMO. I feel if a persons work is that important to them, they should probably look into another site like Deviantart where you have control over what is posted or starting your own online gallery. You could also start your own thread in the Art Studio forum to showcase your works.
I am not understanding what you are trying to say here.
@ Chohole In the gallery and here in the forum it seems to me that it is not possible to answer directly to a comment. You have to write the thread further and if you want to answer to a message from a while ago you have to copy that quote, so the person knows it's about this or that subject, if she come back maybe sometime. I know from other sites a little answer button below every single message. Or the recipient gets a sign if someone is tagging him directly with the @. But maybe I'm wrong and its just because nobody tagged me ever. I don't know. Are you getting something now if I type in @Chohole ? So it is not sooo comfortable, but I know that is not the intention of this forum to be another social media platform. That I was trying to say above, but much shorter ;)
I have never seen a forum like that, Are you talking about chat room sites or forum sites?
Yes, if the person has their notifications set up to receive the mentions on the forum, then they will get a message. Personally I don't have mine set up that way. I turned off almost all the notification buttons and I only have one thread bookmarked
We don't use the wall at all on this site
@FSCMDesigns Hello Michael, that's not the point. I have an dA Account as well, but this is'nt the same thing as you maybe know. Here we have only users of the DAZ software, insider I would call them and I think and hope they can better understand what we have done to fiddle the work together. I don't like restrictions, too! But sometimes? On dA many groups have that 1 per day/week or whatever and I can imagine why. And btw., I know a few people more with that experience and as you can see I was not the starter of the theme...
@Chohole Hey thank you, that helps a lot! Will try it immediately!
Deviantart and Instagram for example have a litte "reply" Button below every commentar. I don't know how to call them. Are they chat rooms or forum sites? However, that button is a nice and practical thing...
And this forum has a Quote button under every post.
Are you wanting private messages? Those you can access by clicking the name of the person you want to address.
@My 3D Spin and @Enchanted April And I agree that no one should be dumping piles of images at once as it ruins it for other artists. I know everyone views the gallery differently but I think a large number of viewers just look at the first page of recently posted images.
@Enchanted April I sent you a private message so you can test if it is working for you and see if you get notified.
Warning, Cranky Old Fart's opinion. Anyone that just views the first page of the galleries is someone who's opinion means nothing to me.
Its nice to get a few likes from folks in the gallery, but my fear is my "art" will get placed right next to 2 masterpieces and in that case I am glad when it gets buried several pages deep.
Since this is a gallery and not a forum matter the thread is being closed - our apologies for not doing it as soon as we pointed out that it was an issue for the Gallery team, or for Daz itself.