Aging Morph

in New Users
I'm looking at the Growing Up for Genesis 8 package and I wonder it it will work in reverse? Can it use an adult model and make it younger, like to a teenager?
I don't have the product for Genesis 8, but I do have a couple for the earlier figures (Genesis and Genesis 3). I am going to assume the Genesis 8 version is similar. Generally most morph sliders will allow you to go up or down (more or less), although some may have limits imposed and be locked, and the Growing Up morphs are no different. Making a figure younger is, in fact, exactly what the Growing Up morphs are primarily designed to do. If Limits are on for a given morph, they can be turned off by adjusting that sliders properties (click on the little gear icon and than uncheck "Use Limits"). So the answer is yes, they can be used to make a figure younger, their primary function. However, it is important to understand that aging morphs are going to be based upon what the creator of the morphs has deemed to be "typical" features of aging -wattles, double chins, wrinkles, etc. But not all people age in the same way. Given the foregoing, using the age morphs, the virtual people will be aged in certain ways, to a certain degree. Making a figure younger will reduce their stature and will create the opposite of typical older features, naturally: for example, invariably the breasts will be reduced, the face and body will become pudgier, the eyes larger compared to the face, the nose smaller etc. In other words, depending on how far back you wish to go, the results may not be exactly what you expect. But you can always further adjust the results with any other morphs for the figure that you have, to create your own variant.
Thanks, I understand the limits. I was wanting to make some of my adults teenages and, maybe, pre-teens. But the products don't say it can go in reverse, only forward. But, that might be just lack of information from the creators.
As I said, wildbill, the morphs are specifally intended to make adults into younger characters. A picture is worth a thousand words, so here's a screenshot of the parameters tab with G3F loaded to give you an idea of what to expect.
Thanks for the image. It shows me where I can find the controls. BTW, what is the exact name of the product you use? You know, apples to apples.
I have two of the earlier bundles by Zevo:
The screenshot is for the G3F part of the second bundle.
As I mentioned earlier, I am going to assume that the corresponding product for Genesis 8 that you are interested in by the same PA is going to be similar.
Thanks for the info. I was wanting to review them as well before I buy one. I agree with you that 8 should be the same as the other two since it's the same brand.
Its a good idea to find out as much as possible before purchasing a product in order to get some sense of whether if it is useful for your purposes, of course. There's nothing like having it and using it, though. That's the ultimate test. If you are not aware of it, DAZ3D has a 30 day return policy. If you purchase an item and find that it is unsuitable, you have thirty days from the purchase date to return it for a refund. The 'refund", however, is in the form of a store credit added to your account, so you normally are not going to get a cash refund. But you can apply the credit to your next purchase, so you are not necessarily losing anything. I'm not suggesting that you make purchases based upon the return policy without doing some howework , and finding out everything you can and seeking clarification beforehand is certainly the way to go.
Thanks for the info on the refund policy. Didn't even think about it. I will study the programs some more before deciding.
I got the Growing Up for Genesis 8 and it does make them younger. Thanks again for you help, SixDs.