Controller dial loses properties after saving and rebooting

in New Users
Basically, I made a face morph to resemble a character from a game and made custom eyelashes morph for him. I made an empty morph on eyelashes to prevent daz from generating an autofit morph and load load my own morph instead of it. After i made a controller using ERC freeze everything worked well until i saved morph asset and rebooted the program. When i tried to dial the controller again the lashes would just be stuck in its default position, and all references to them were wiped out. Is there any way to fix that?

1920 x 1080 - 420K
ERC links between figures can be tricky to save. Why not just load your morph into the empty dummy channel, so it kicks in automatically, rather than having a dummy channel to block auto follow and a separate moprh for the lashes that has to be triggered by special links?
Oh! I haven't thought of this, let me try it! Thank you!
It worked great, thanks again! :D
Glad to help.
I am wondering though, how would you go about disabling those stupid "expand" morphs? i really don't need them :/
They are not auto-following so they should just be moprhs on the item, in which case delete the .dsf file.