DAZ Studio has encountered a fatal error and must close - what does this mean?

Hi there.  I just installed DAZ studio for the first time.  I intalled DAZ Studio first because I wanted to indicate I wanted it to use a seaparate drive for content.  I then realized that I have to use the DIM to install the content (which is just what comes with the program.)  Anyway, after about 40 minutes, it finally installed everything, I fire up the program, not 2 seconds after opening it, the program closes and gives the message "DAZ Studio has encountered a fatal error and must close".  Is this normal?  Do I have to go through the whole reinstallation process again to get this to work?  If anyone has any info, please let me know.


P.S.  The DIM completely ignored that I requested the material to be installed on the second drive when I installed DAZ studio.  If I change the location of these files and indicate it in the program is this going to work? 


  • Does the error give any additional information? The most immediate suspect would be your video card/driver, or possibly your security software - what do you have?

  • Thanks for responding.  I'm using Norton for antivirus and this is on a laptop that uses a Integrated Intel FHD Graphics 520.  What's happening is, the software opens, then when I go to select one of the figures, it starts to close down.  I even tried just using a primitive and it was ok for about a minute and I figured, ok, so it works with primitives, but shortly thereafter, it did the same thing  The Norton does not affect any other graphic software that I have on the machine.  The Hexagon software, which was installed much to my surprise, is fine.  It only asked for the serial at first, I gave it that, and it opened up fine and had no issues.  Also, Norton did not flag the DIM anytime it was downloading and installing stuff.  So, I don't know what's causing this.

  • ZilvergrafixZilvergrafix Posts: 1,385

    my advice is

    turn off Norton right now, that clogs your system.

    change to a dedicated graphics option.

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