Where are custom layouts stored?
Posts: 7,644
I've just finished building my new machine and copying all my important files through a network connection to my old one. I reinstalled DS4 Pro and activated it, no problem. But even when I copied over my full DS4 directories from my old computer, I still don't have my custom layout that I created on the other one. I found where the included layouts are, but the file "SVH201111" (the name I gave it) is not among them.
Where is this info stored? This will be somewhat time-consuming to recreate with the colors and so forth.
Hi SickleYield...
My layouts are stored in
Users\my name\AppData\Roaming\DAz 3D\Studio4\user layouts\
Users\my name\AppData\Roaming\DAz 3D\Studio4\user styles\
Hope this helps... :)
Thanks, I'll try there!
Yep, that did it. My reinstalled DS4 is now looking familiar again, and I'm doing my first render on the new system. Huzzah and thanks.
Does anyone know how to change the default folder from roaming to somewhere else?
is there some file somewhere which says something like:
default layouts location = "Users\my name\AppData\Roaming\DAz 3D\Studio4\user layouts\"
so i can change it for when loading and saving such layouts?