Figure Metrics ignoring or messing with input

in New Users
I enter all the measurements I have from a real person but after pressing Accept, DazStudio ignores the numbers and just changes the numbers in a random way, for example I want height set to 200cm and the program sets it to 300cm or 226cm. Every other measure is either reset to near initial values or completely ignored though I use "scale" in the configuration tab and mark the measure in the measurements tab.
Please put soem clothes on the figure, or set the Viewport preview mode to a non-textured mode.
One thing to check, when you have that many measurements selected, is that the morphs used are not fighting - that as one is adjusted to match the target value it also pulls one or more other measures in the wrong direction. Also, with a lot of active measures you may well need to increase the number of iterations.
Thanks for your remarks. The problem is that I cannot enter every number and don't know what to use for the leftovers. If it is a you said that the values begin fighting I am not sure how to get a good result. If I start with one parameter then two then three etc. there were already cases where the first parameter was reset for example. I am afraid that there is no tutorial for this kind of problem? The thing is I am not good at trying to find all combinations for this kind of problem.
I'm siorry, but the figures need to be clothes or untextured - black (or other colour) bars painted on aren't accetpable. You could also crop to show only the pane.
Are you saying that you have a morph assigned to the unchecked properties but can't select them? It might help to post a screen shot showing the morphs assigned.
Please find attached the values and Configurations I am working with. For every value I didnt know I used the "Portly" option and let it fit too? I used it because I guess my measures are for a rather obese person.
Every box was checked during the fitting process. Please notice especially the end height of over 300cm. I noticed that the fitting starts rather fine and the body shape is getting in the right direction but for the last part it goes off into the wrong direction.
You are using only two properties - overall scale and the Portly morph - in the visible measures. It's unlikely that the same values for those will yield the various measures you have set, so as the script gos through each iteration it's going to be tugging their values first one way and then the other. You need to select much more specific properties, and geenrally you need a separate proeprty for each value you wish to adjust directly.
How do I select more specific properties and how to set up separate properties? Sorry, but I am quite lost right now.
You select as you seelcted the Scale/Portly properties - just pick a diffrent property, a morph or transform that is (as far as possible) going to affect only the area and dimension the measure reads.
I was working for several hours now to get it to work. It's impossible, at least for me. There are no sufficient morphs acessible to the regions I need, essentially just waist, chest, and lower hip. It's a shame there is no comprehensive tutorial for this. Is it possible to get a refund for the product?
If you purchased within the last 30 days yes, just open a Sales Support ticket
This isn't, however, an issue with the product or a lack of tutorials - it's just that you don't have suitable moprhs. You will therefore have the same issue trying to match the target shape manually.
@fstromberg have you seen the Daz Wiki documentation on Figure Metrics? If not, it might help some.
Figure Metrics does have bugs, though. I reported one related to arms length in 2015. I never got any message from customer support saying it was fixed, so I suppose the bug is still there. (Richard confirmed the bug in a forum discussion at the time.) I basically gave up on Figure Metrics. I could never achieve results that I considered acceptable.
You need to own enough morphs that target specific body areas and you need to manually configure Figure Metrics to specify exactly which morph it should use for each body area. The selected morphs often seem to conflict with one another, and don't converge to the desired shape for me. A lot of the success or failure probably comes down to what morphs you have available and which ones you choose to use.
Ok, thanks, I will try a little bit longer and eventually open a ticket.
Thanks, I studied the documentation about Figure Metrics, but it is very short and not detailed enough for my needs.
Before I was working with the model from but it emerged that the measurement input was never meant to be exactly represented by the model and the upper and lower limits were too narrow anyway.