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Wondering aloud: is it against any copyright laws to create renders of eg. purchased Marvel/Star Wars 3D assets and post them on the web? I am almost certain that the renders cannot be sold/commercialised but is it legal to display rendered images and/or offer as freebie artwork?
To get a legally accurate answer to this you would have to take the exact type of art you want to do and the assets involved to a lawyer and get their opinion on whether or not it constitutes fair use/a transformative work. In practice, I can't really think of any major IP that doesn't encourage fanart these days because it's free advertising and builds fandom communities.
This is in no way legal advice, but the only time I've ever had to personally tell a fan to knock something off in an official capacity it was way more egregious than fanart, and money was involved, and we just said "Hey, please don't do that." It's a big enough pain to go after stores reproducing official logos and artwork.
It's also kind of hit or miss on whether IP holders have a problem with commercialized fanart. Some will ignore or even support fans trading commissions or selling zines or whatever, and will reserve their Kill Bill sirens for stuff that looks like a major commercial venture. But again, that's in lawyer territory, and everyone engages with transformative fandom at their own risk (however slim).Thank you for your thoughts, I was just wondering as we are all here as hobbyists and fans so the last thing I would want is for any of my fan art renders (esp non-commercial) to invite legal issues!
I think you should be good. :D One way to kind of take the temperature on this stuff is to go to the social media accounts of whatever thing you want to do fanart for and see if they interact a lot with or seem to encourage fanart, fan merch, etc. Also some companies have allowances carved out for fan stuff so individuals can do what they want but it doesn't open them up to another company getting away with copyright violations. Flight Rising's ToS has an example of this, under Art Sales Policy.
There's actually an older clothing item here in the store that's an exact replica of an iconic costume from the IP I work on and we just had a laugh about it.
Thanks for the chuckle :P
I was actually sitting on the fence about purchasing a Spiderman and/or Stormtrooper asset just to make a couple of renders of my two favorite superheros, maybe make a screensaver or two :P
Hm. Meant to put this up here before. But better late than never, right?
Lynx has ben captured!
Black Tiger on the prowl
Apologies in advance for the spam of pictures!
I set myself the challenge of creating as many MCU style characters as possible, in no real order but starting mostly with the Avengers... this is my progress so far, or at least the characters I'm pretty happy with.
I'm working on Cap at the moment, but man, Chris Evans' likeness is proving surprisingly difficult for me to replicate
From my current progress I think Hawkeye has to be my favourite. I'm still looking for the right kind of glove and bracer for him, though
A lil' poison love...
I brought my own. :)
I brought my own heroes. :)
Oh, wow, those likenesses are fantastic! Did you make the morphs in a separate program yourself, or did you use morphs to get there? I would buy every one of those characters (except for the Black Widow, I have that one, though yours is very very good!).
Thank you!
Most of it was done with Face Transfer, at least to get a starting point. Then lots and lots of texture editing and some manual tweaks with morph dials. Some were definitely a lot easier than others!
Well, however you did them, they are amazing.
Okay, so this one's not a franchise superhero yet, but I did this one after watching We Can Be Heroes on Netflix today.
Also, @Demesis nice job with the Avengers!
Nice one, Sevrin!
A lil Domino love
Bat Girl
Jumped back into Daz recently thanks to a new PC with specs that finally allow for Iray rendering. These are the first of a number of DC characters I'm working on. Taking inspiration primarily from the DC movies and shows and the Injustice games.
I don't know why, but I really like Cable. I have his 1st appearance issue along with Deadpool's 1st. Anyway, this an attempt to make a realistic version with a little bit of Josh Brolin and a little bit of the comic version.
My daughter bought her first comic the other day and she wanted a 3D version of it, Silk. I tried my best. This was the first time I've messed with UV maps but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
Very nice job, solisphotography and tkdrobert!
Spent some time this weekend coming up with this after binge watching WandaVision on Disney+ and liking it so far. Lyzia model from Rndo.

Somebody thinking about Something - 3D render
Spidey vs Doc Ock
Hey all, I'm working on a Batman design and I'm trying to track down a good cowl for either G3 or G8. I like MightyMite's stuff over at Rendo but I only see his Adam West design. His Red Robin (Mask 42) would be perfect but it doesn't indicate that it has batear morphs. Trying to avoid autofiting back to M4 stuff that's out. Any help would be appreciated.
I found this for G8. The M4 one from Hal001 ( is still my favorite.