Teen Josie 8 Chipped Tooth

Hi all, I seem to recall having the ability to add a tooth chip to Teen Josie 8. I have searched high and low in my content library and smart content for these parameters but cant find them! Can anyone help? These screenshots show some old half renders with the chip. Thank you!
Post edited by OminousAutumn on
In Teen Josie's folder there are two files for each makeup option. The ones that have the "a" at the end have freckles.
As for the teeth, maybe you remember the braces that she comes with?
Thanks so much! Im not sure if you can see in these screenshots but these are renders I did where there is a tooth chip...?
Maybe you have one of these packs?
As seeker suggested. I don't have the first one, but I do have the 200 plus package, which will do what you want - see image.
I dont have either of those so im really not sure whats going on. Its a hidden parameter somewhere within the UI?
Okay, Vanishot, here's what I would suggest. Forget about Smart Content for the search for the missing teeth morph. Load a plain vanilla copy of Genesis 8 Female into a new scene in DAZ Studio. Make sure that G8F is selected and open the Parameters tab (we could use the Shaping tab, but we want to make certain we don't overlook something). Any morphs or poses that you have for G8F, including any morphs associated with characters, such as Teen Josie 8, should have loaded along with G8F when the figure was loaded and therefore appear somewhere in the Parameters. There could be exceptions, but we'll deal with that later, if necessary. For now, with Genesis 8 Female selected at the top left in the Parameters tab, type "teeth" (without the quotes) in the search bar at the upper right and click on the little magnifying glass. That should reveal all the sliders loaded that have that keyword in their name. Do you see anything there that might be the culprit? You can test, if in doubt, by trying any suspects on your loaded G8F (best to have her with an open smile or something so you can see her upper teeth).
If the above has failed to reveal what you are looking for, try replacing the teeth search term with "tooth", to ensure what you are looking for isn't hiding in plain site.
If you still have no joy, report back and we can explore some other possibilities.
Hi thanks for this great explanation! There does not appear to be a slider for the tooth. If I recall it was an "off" "on" button somewhere. Thanks for your help!!!