Problem with transfer utility

Hi, i'm trying to wear a character with a jacket ("GIACCA" in italian language), but as you can see in the picture, opening the menu - EDIT-FIGURE-TRANSFER UTLITY-SELECT AN ITEM-it doesn't show "WhiteRabbit" in the SOURCE MENU, but only "WhiteRabbitHair" and "GIACCA". Of course it can't works without the exact source item "WhiteRabbit", what's wrong? Thanks in advance who help with suggestions.

1597 x 1014 - 750K


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,853

    Is the white rabbit a weight mapped figure? 

  • It's a full rigged character, so i suppose it's weight i can check?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    It isn't: in the Scene pane look at the icon to the left of the figure name, it represents a stack of cubes (because a figure is several nodes linked together - a prop gets a single cube) and the divisions between the cubes indicate the rigging system; solid lines, which you have here, are a parametric figure (because each bone is a distinct unit in principle, and its range of effect is limited) while dotted lines represent a weight-mapped figure (because there's a single geometry skin, and any bone can potentially affect any part of the mesh).

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,853

    If it is a figure with parametric rigging you can't use the transfer utility to rig clothes for it, as it's for weightmapped figures. You would need to use the figure setup tools to do this, as you would do for a V4 item.

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