Using DOF on cameras for close ups.

in New Users
I tried to do a close up of a figure with the camera and set it to DOF on - and then i adjust the lenght
of the DOF field but it distorts the whole view. From a distance i get perfect DOF but never on
close ups. What do i do to get good close ups with DOF on the camera>
You have to make the length of the field shorter than in long distance, for example just have it cover the front of the face/nose.
Thanks-You dident really give me an answer but your answer gave me cue - Before i tried setting the field lenght from Perspective
view now i tried doing it from the camera view and it worked!
Edited to fix quote
I posted a DOF Tutorial last year. Maybe there is some information there that you'll find helpful. (Link opens in a new window.)
One tip from photography to consider...
Many times photographers use longer (telephoto) lenses for closeups. The reason being that lenses with a longer focal length tend to have a narrower focus field. This helps blur the background while keeping the face in focus. You would need to definitely be looking through the camera view and will have to reposition / reframe the image, and the focal distance will become even more important (at very long lenses it's possible to have the nose in focus and the ears be blurred). But it can create a nice effect for portrait renders.