My sets are looking too grainy.

in New Users
I got the Dream Home and the Partnership Office packages and when I open them (as well as a other sets) the image is too grainy. It makes it kind of difficult to work with my figures when I can't get a clear image. Any ideas on what's going on?

Screenshot (53).png
1920 x 1080 - 2M

Screenshot (54).png
1920 x 1080 - 2M
You have your viewport set to Iray drawing style. So, in effect, Studio is rendering the set. Just like an Iray render, it starts more grainy and slowly resolves.
Normally when I'm first setting up a scene, I will use Texture Shaded for my viewport. I switch to Iray when I'm almost done and want to check final lighting and such. I just find this flow works better for me to use the more responsive drawing style while working with the scene and only using Iray as a pre-rendering check.
Go to Render settings and change to Sun sky only in envirorment top menu - Then in tone mapping lower the shutter speed as far as i can
see from your images..
Thanks for the info. I'll check it out.
That took care of it. Thank you everyone for the help.