How do you make a figure carry another or an item with both hands?

I would like to know if there is some way to anchor a figure or item into each hand.  For instance, a figure holding a pole in each hand at shoulder's length apart.  He moves one hand and the pole moves with it, out of the other hand.  Or a groom is carrying his bride across the threshold in his arms.  His arms move and he moves but she stays put.  Any ideas?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    You would probably be best looking at some of Casual's free scripts, in the Freebies forum.

  • What freebies forum?

  • Oops, never mind.  Found the forum.  Now to look for the scripts.  Thank you for the lead.

  • Rats.  How do you search for someone in that forum?  I did a search for "Casual"  and I got every post that has that word in it.  Is there a way you can just search for the submitter?

  • Okay, just found him, I think.  I should have searched for 'mcasual' instead.  Thanks again.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    There is a list of free scripts and plug-ins near the top, but I know it's missing some (especially older scripts that were originally indexed on the old forum).

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