How do you make a figure carry another or an item with both hands?

in New Users
I would like to know if there is some way to anchor a figure or item into each hand. For instance, a figure holding a pole in each hand at shoulder's length apart. He moves one hand and the pole moves with it, out of the other hand. Or a groom is carrying his bride across the threshold in his arms. His arms move and he moves but she stays put. Any ideas?
You would probably be best looking at some of Casual's free scripts, in the Freebies forum.
What freebies forum?
Oops, never mind. Found the forum. Now to look for the scripts. Thank you for the lead.
Rats. How do you search for someone in that forum? I did a search for "Casual" and I got every post that has that word in it. Is there a way you can just search for the submitter?
Okay, just found him, I think. I should have searched for 'mcasual' instead. Thanks again.
There is a list of free scripts and plug-ins near the top, but I know it's missing some (especially older scripts that were originally indexed on the old forum).