ot: what's your retirement dream?
i wanna move to Kissimee Fl, live off royalties, eat ice cream everyday, walk my buppy.
render some stuff.
go to a theme park every weekend.
live in a quiet place with no krakkens,
where no one pees in the pool. :)
To live in a house with 26 cats, to have a maid for the household and a gardener for the garden.
And no-one calls be before 12:00
To stop walking with my cane, for the arthur to take a day or two off, and to have the strength to do one more primitive survival camping trip to the deep woods. Other than that, what I do now is just fine. Putter around house, cook, work in garden and flower beds, read books and play on PC all keep me happy.
Well, being retired, we did manage to do one of our wished for things, which was to move away from the vicinity of London and settle in a place where we had many happy holidays (Wales).
I can totally empathise with Estroyer as to the maid to do the housework, one of them would be nice, as I retired from a area management position in the Contract Cleaning industry and got used to supervising cleaners rather than having to do it myself. The garden however, now that is fun, we love doing our garden. The challenge of finding things that grow well in such a different environment to the one where we both lived all our life, himself having worked "on the land" all his working life, as a tree surgeon and then Park foreman. Been here nearly 5 years now, are accepted as "adopted" Welsh ( my ex husband was welsh and I still use his family name, which helps) and love it.
The specifics vary a lot. My work is creative; the main differences amongst the things that I dream of being able to comfortably do have a variety of physical demands, some of them more reasonable to consider carrying on with in my (increasingly near) codgerhood than others. They do all boil down to one simple commonality, though: the ability to do those things without the desperate scramble to keep the lights on in the process.
Lately, it has a lot to do with dyeing yarn and hoping I don't end up with rorschach blots of teal and magenta down my cleavage (again). Odds are, if people are buying from me lately, it's going to the fund to set up that business as well as the fund to upgrade to a darth trashbucket tower to better keep on with this job. ;)
Or, to sum up: some day, I dream of being financially secure enough to be able to graduate from 'starving artist weirdo' to 'eccentric', having space for all the art supplies, and less wistful pining over 'it will be ages before I will be able to actually cobble together the supplies to do properly.' ;)
To live some place where I can fish and kick back with all of the drama from life. To be able to relax physically and mentally and actually enjoy life for a change.
I'd like to have time to write, play games, and work on 3d stuff including maybe making a movie, game, etc.
I don't know, almost anything away from work and have enough money to enjoy life. Don't have to be rich but don't want to have to think about it constantly either.
Having already retired I can safely say that it is no longer a dream. It's a nightmare!
No, not really. I live alone, no pets, no ex-wives, no children, no visitors, no personal retirement funds to draw upon.
However, I have been able to arrange a neat & tidy apartment, I have a lifetime collection of fine objects scattered around me, I am able to successfully budget my meager Social Security income and even save a little for emergencies or pleasures. And as of Nov. 1st I finally have Medicare to help pay for the ever increasing doctor visits. I have the home office I always dreamed of. Computers all around me. I have all the time in the world to write, listen to my classical music collection, and diddle with 3D images. Unfortunately I don't do nearly as much as I thought I would, there are still 7,493 old movies to watch on TV :-0
I've essentially been semi-retired since 2001. I define "Semi-Retired" as being in the computer industry, over 53 and unemployed! But I've managed to survive to reap the benefits of wisdom but have decided that the discount at movie houses isn't worth the medical issues. Although, at any store counter I still ask if there is any discount for people of the "ancient" persuasion.
Long ago I realized that my purpose was to come to understand my place in the Universe. Thus my interest in the revelations of quantum mechanics, cosmology and the essences of philosophy. The results have boiled down to my quote in my signature, and the realization that in the end it's all a dream anyway.
crank it up - till the flip side
Haha, let me make a side note that I wasn't entirely serious (apart from the cats and the no-phone-before-12:00 part).
My first challenge would be to even get to that age.
Being in my mid-thirties and with my mom already gone and my dad being very dependant of others since his brain stroke, I am well aware that life is russian roulette mostly.
But one can dream :)
I have 2 cats so far, 24 to go...
if they boy and girl, couple litters should do it :)
Hmm, they are both helped and hate me now...I need some trips to the animal shelter XD
My retirement dream is:
To own an acre of land where I can grow my own fruit/vegetables and run a small shelter for abused/neglected/abandoned Chihuahua's. I am quite fond of the breed, and it saddens me that they are one of the top 2 breeds killed/abandoned in animal shelters.
I haven't retired yet, but I'm already living it.
A house in the Italian Alps with a gorgeous view, and an income from making 3d content. My cat, lots and lots of horror and comedy dvds, plenty of music, and a small vegetable garden.
When I do actually retire, nothing will change. I'll just keep on doing what I'm doing.
Have a nice mansion in Hollywood
Plenty of money, nice cars.
Plenty of strippers and porn stars paying visits.
Die "on the job"
Get a segment on Entertainment Tonight.
a variety of hot men to give me a full body massage each day.
Already living it.
Age 57, decent health- that's the first part of anyone's dream.
To have kids that are happy and to enjoy a fun, meaningful relationship with them. We actually like spending time with each other, lol!
To be able to spend time with my wonderful 85 year old mom (priceless)
To live in Florida (my family is from here)
To own whatever animals I want. I have a horse, dogs, cats, blue-tongue skinks, lineolated parakeets, and wildlife. To donate to disaster animals, even if it's only $5. A wolf group in Colorado has been struggling, first it was the fire last year, then the floods a few weeks ago.
And of course, horse rescues.
And this past month, to get Plunge (short for Plunge To The Bottom) the turtle out of our pool. The kids and I refused to add chemicals- I certainly will not scald any animal's eyes and lungs with acid like chlorine just to have a clean body of water outside my back door. So after a MONTH (wonderful green algae, almost black) we caught him and drove him to the University's nature trail, hiked off it and Plunge now lives in a gorgeous, wide stream with other turtles. Best retirement ever- for him AND us! Yes, I have video.
EDIT: My son is known for his humor. He named the turtle Johnny Depth.
To make a difference- help less fortunate kids. Done it off and on for 25 years as finances permitted. My current kids- their parents make between $100 and $115 a year so it's cool to supply their monthly funds so they get included in the education/health programs, and birthdays are so much fun and a dream for them. I have a little girl in Indonesia (parents are farm laborers) and one in Guatamala (mom is a maid, dad left.) This adds so much meaning to my life, particularly when they write me and send me artwork! Periodically I also help American kids who are chronically ill through Hugs and Hope.
To explore new forms of art- 3d is the only one I'm really interested in. To be part of a supportive art community.
Top priorities are health and family. But overall, my health, my family, my animals, wildlife, assisting some kids and animals, art, and art friends- YOU- are making my retirement exactly what I want it to be. My dream that is not fulfilled is to get rid of household clutter- I'm too sentimental and I have to start pitching. It was PAINFUL to throw away some of the boys elementary stuff, but graded math papers for heavens sake! (not kidding either.)
I want to live to retirement age and be a healthy weight, and not be a Type II diabetic. That might seem like a modest goal, but trust me, for my family it's pretty huge. I want to have a loving family but I never want to have children, apropos of which I keep reminding my sisters that they are supposed to reproduce. Or maybe one day I will be fortunate and the right man will already have some. I think I could just about handle being a decent step-Mom; I definitely look forward to being a crazy aunt.
I want to take good care of my parents as they've always taken good care of me, as much as they need in the way that they need. I want to remain financially independent, and to always have something to give to loved ones in need or strangers with cardboard signs. I want to be able to look back on my life and say, "I got married for the right reasons at the right time. Hand me the flicker, it's your turn to be the pony." I don't especially want to travel far - I think our neighbors across the seas should be spared as much as possible - but I'd like to have the option when I have the time and energy.
To do the same kind of thing I'm doing today, only doing it for myself (and some small group of hopefully happy users). I'm a programmer, and I don't expect or want to ever not be.
I hope I get to spend my retirement years with my wife and at enough comfort to afford and enjoy books together, and field the occasional Internet chat with our kids; I'll count the universe merciful if it allows us that.
Never wanted the warm climes, hammock kind of retirement.
-- Morgan
I guess either I didn't set my sights high enough or I am just content already. I think I am living the life I would live in my retirement years already.
I work from home doing film and editing work when ever I am fortunate enough to land the gigs, and I spend a lot of time with my sons. Try to make time for the occasional video game and tv show or movie. I also try to make it to the gym but not nearly enough to ensure I will be able to walk in my old age! And of course I do my art whenever I have time!
So in retirement I hope to do all these same things - only with grandkids!
When I retire I want to be you Maclean, you lucky t**t!!! Always wanted to settle in Northern Italy, maybe somewhere around the lakes like Capiago, Como, Bellagio..... oh well, one can but dream :-)
I've got no interest in retiring. People in my business frequently work until they're unable to for health reasons and my hobby became my business. Most likely there'll be a point when I slow down the pace I work at, and I'll probably upgrade my time share on Maui for a real house somewhere in Hawaii, but I'm having too much fun right now to even consider stopping.
..heh, after being laid off (pushing 60) from my previous occupation I feel the same. Unfortunately to get SSI to cover my basic expenses (rent, utilities, & food) I need to work for another eleven years.
For me, about the only "retirement plan" I can see would be to win the local megabucks lotto ("small potatoes" compared to those national Powerball and Mega Millions ones) so I can get free of debt and then put the remainder (after the government takes their slice - er - half of the pie) into an annuity. I'd then take that prolonged trip (several months) through Europe via train I've been dreaming of, which would be at my own leisure rather than some tour company's itinerary. If possible I'd also love get there via a "real" Atlantic crossing (on a ship instead of aeroplane).
Afterwards, I'd look for some place to live where the climate is more hospitable for my old bones and creaky joints where I can sit on a beach and fly my kites and write and illustrate my stories.
However, back down to reality. It really is just trying to get hired in another job (in a local employment scene that favours young "mobile" types over us stable minded old fogies) to make it through those next eleven years I need for full SSI benefits so I can stay in my flat instead of living in a "cardboard mansion" under a bridge.
...heck, at the very least, I'll even take qualifying for senior fares on the local transit system (seems just as I am about to reach the minimum age requirement, they raise it by another couple years).
To be Happy and Healthy.
I retired 4 years ago, at age 60. The plan was to loaf around on the deck, watching the wildlife at the bird feeder, with occasional bus, rail, or river trips during the summer. But the market crash between the time I picked my retirement date and the time I retired changed things a bit.
I still loaf around on the deck. But the traveling is on hold until I finish paying off the house (another 4 years). On the plus side, I have enough in the IRA to live moderately well and the house is in the middle of 15 acres of woods - I own the center 4+ acre strip. And my health is - acceptable. I've kicked around the idea of moving, but there aren't many places in the US that are of interest and I don't know that I could adapt to driving on the other side of the road (England and New Zealand keep making the short list).
...considering Guam, Still a US territory, mid 80s pretty much every day, and they drive on the same side of the road.
to humid - have to be careful with your clothes and shoes .
...can't be any worse than where I live now. Mould is a major issue here.
And at least it never gets anywhere near as cold as it does here (especially during our "rainy season").
I think the typhoons make up for it, Guam being smack in the middle of "Typhoon Alley." Not to mention they've got the environmental havoc caused by the poisonous cane toads and the invading brown tree snakes that have wiped out most of the indigenous birds, resulting in an explosive growth of the spider population (approx 40X normal.) Not the greatest place for nature enthusiasts...
...uh...a 40x growth of the local spider population...
..OK that changes things. Maybe Dubrovnik sounds better.
now i'm torn between Kissimee, FL and Santa Barbara, CA. i defintely want somewhere with a balcony or veranda to watch sunsets.