How do I import 3rd party content on my mac?

in New Users
How do I import 3rd party content on my mac?
I've been playing with DAZ for about a month and just made my first purchase from a different shop, Rendericity, but when I drag and drop, I can't find anything. I've tried to import, but the duf files are invisible. I'm sure it's something obvious, but I've been trying to figure it out all day. Please help!
I am not sure how macs work since I don't use one, but I install everything manually and when I open a ZIP from Rendo, the file structure makes me go a folder deeper to the CONTENT folder unlike DAZ which stops at the STUDIO folder when I extract the files
It's been a while since I owned a Mac, but this thread should help:
I don't know where the base folder is in Studio on a Mac.