Carrara Challenge 45: Extinction and De-extinction! Voting Thread:

This entry thread Closes: March 23rd 12.00 midnight Daz Utah Time. Voting will then begin.
There are two categories of entries.
Category A – Concerning Extinction
Category B – Concerning De-extinction.
Up to 4 entries per artist allowed. A maximum of two in each category.
The WIP Thread is here.
For your entries, please use the following format.
Entry #:
Category: (A= Extinction or B=De-extinction)
Links to WIP thread:
Thanks to Diomede_Carrara whose post from the last challenge I plagiarised.
And thanks to everyone who has taken part in this challenge!
place holder
Entry #: 1
Title: Carthago Delenda Est
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Category: A= Extinction
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Poser 7 Simon, World Leaders Pack for Poser 7 Simon
Discussion: After two long bitter wars with Carthage, the Roman Senator Cato ended every speech with the phrase, Carthage must be destroyed! Eventually, the Romans provoked a third war with Carthage, sold the population into slavery, knocked over every building, and sowed the fields with salt so the city could never be revived. The Romans made Carthage extinct.
Entry #2
Title: Extinction and De-extinction
Artist: Stezza
Category: Extinction and De-extinction
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Petipets SCiFi Cabin and the aliens I used are P3D LoRenzo and Daz's dinosaurs. I modeled the aliens antennae and the test tube.
Discussion: Extinction of the dinosaurs then brought about the de-extinction of the human race.... all because of aliens!
Entry #3
Title: PC Story
Artist: Stezza
Category: Extinction
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Blank Boi, DZFire flames- everything else was modelled in Carrara by me.
History of the floppy disc
History of the cassette tape
History of the CD
History of the pencil
Entry #4
Title: Roodo Bird
Artist: Stezza
Category: de-Extinction
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Rooster from CP and dodo from Ken over at HW3d - I also modeled the straw bales, glasses and scatters the other day and used them.
Discussion: you can't have a de-extinction without having a mad scientist bring back the extinct dodo bird... from a chook!
Entry #: 5
Title: The Last
Artist: MAJourney
Category: A. Extinction
Links to WIP thread:
Discussion: Postworked lightning in Hitfilm
Entry #: 6
Title: Drop Bears
Artist: Bunyip02
Category: A= Extinction
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Terrain - Carrara Native content
Koala by AM
K-Nicky Hair for Genesis
Effortless Cool for Genesis Male
Arboretum Volume 2
RPC Volume 4: Australian Outback
Lisa Botanicals Cottage Plants
Tim Payne Lightdomes - (no longer available)
Tim Payne Skies - (no longer available)
Discussion: Land clearing is a major issue for the Koala population
Entry #: 7
Title: Tassie Tiger
Artist: Bunyip02
Category: A= Extinction
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Terrain - Carrara Native content
Hills - Bryce Terrain
Thylacine by AM -
Genesis Morphs Eraser plugin -
On The Farm for Genesis -
Adventure Hero -
Pure Hair: Casual for Genesis -
Over and Under Shotgun - ?
Arboretum Volume 2
Grassy Grounds Megapack -
Tim Payne Lightdomes - (no longer available)
Tim Payne Skies - (no longer available)
Discussion: The Tassie Tiger was declared a pest which led to it's extinction. By the time the authorities tried to save it, it was too late.
Entry #: 8
Title: Alien Cloning Centre
Artist: Bunyip02
Category: B=De-extinction
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Michael 4 -
Valiant for Michael 4 -
STO Antares 02 Uniform Textures for M4 Valiant -
Popular Alien for Michael 4 -
Reptilliad for M4 -
Michael 4 Creature Creator Morphs -
Sci-fi Lab -
Containment Zone -
Discussion: Inspired by the movie Avatar
Entry #: 9
Title: Dolly the Sheep
Artist: Bunyip02
Category: B=De-extinction
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: DAZ Sheep -
SRB 800 -
Sci-fi Corridor B -
Sci-Fi Crates 'N Cylinders - Stonemason - ps_ac965 September 29, 2004
Sci Fi Hand Gadgets 1 for Genesis 2, 3 and 8 Female(s) - Nightshift3D -
Discussion: After the Third World War decimated 95% of the human population, vital food production was forced into underground bunkers after a disastrous nuclear winter followed by a scorching plus 50 degree celcius warmed planet. Cloned sheep, pigs, and meal worms were fed a combination of genetically modified Algae, and plant succulents which have been dried and mixed into a grain to feed the animals.
Entry #: 10
Title: Money first...
Artist: DUDU (Marc DURIEUX)
Category: (A= Extinction)
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: - Icebergs and orcs are from "Polar land" of Magaremoto.
- The sea ice and snow are Carrara terrains converted in vertex and with my own textures.
- The seal (mother) and the Bear (they have been modified) of Adam Thwhaites with Carrara hair.
- The babies seals are like the mother, but modified and rigged + Carrara hairs.
- The clothes of Michael 3 are modified and re-texturised + Carrara hairs.
- The boat is a 3DS item, re-texturised.
- Sledge, stick, blood and Harpoon are "Home made".
- Carrara particles (metaballs) for the snow in the air, Carrara clouds for the smoke.
Carrara native render without GI, no post-work.
This is a little example only of the human greed and the pollution caused by their activities in every inch on our planet.
Entry # 11
Title: Raising Mammath from the Dead
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Category: (B - De-extinction)
Credits: Victoria 6, Koko hair from Daz, cavewoman outfit for V6 by Sickleyield, Mammath from Content Paradise,
Discussion: How did humans react to the disappearance of mega fauna, with whom they had coexisted for thousands of years? Perhaps their shamans tried the occult?
Entry #12
Title: “Extinct Machine”
Artist: Tynkere (Bruce)
Category: "B" - De-Extinction
Link to WIP thread:
Credits: @ed3D took an interest and suggested the title. Thank you! :)
Discussion: I took ‘de-extinction’ to mean ‘prevention’ since I don’t think we can do Jurassic Park just yet. A tiny bird overshadows a giant piece of heavy equipment that ran on fossil fuels. It’s a museum piece in a park. In an ideal future world, people made a compromise. Still need houses but animals need places too. Trees make great CO2 scrubbers. If we don’t get a handle on CO2, and permafrost in Siberia melts and starts releasing methane... Bye bye birdies. And quite possibly millions of not billions of people too.
Entry #: 13
Title: “Have a Drink”
Artist: Tynkere (Bruce)
Category: B= De-Extinction
Link to WIP thread:
Credits: “Headwax” “Diomedes” and others gave me the idea to look at a PA’s product for better water settings among other things like a sky and a bump or normal map. I used the water settings from Tango Alpha's ‘Country Ford’ as starting point. PS was used to make the water look (hopefully) even more disgusting. "Have a drink!"
Discussion: Fishkills? Frogs with four legs plus two vestigial ones? Three eyes? Amphibians are a very good barometers for the health of any ecosystem. When they go belly up, maybe it’s time to stop polluting our water.
Entry #: 14
Title: “Boundaries”
Artist: Tynkere (Bruce)
Category: A - Extinction
Link to WIP thread:
Credits: artists at DAZ who made Big Cat 2 that has 7 species.
Discussion: What killed off the sabre-tooth cat? Early humans were that efficient? Changes in the environment? Too specialized with those long teeth? Maybe a combination. In this render the tribesmen have mutual respect for another hunter with its eyes on the same prey. The humans have their territory and so does the cat. They overlap. 'Live and let live' might have been a good survival strategy rather than risk fighting the cat.
Entry #15
Title: A last bit of Cretacous advice
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Category: A
Links to WIP thread:,
Credits/Discussion: This is my variation on an old theme. Most everything in the render is native to Carrara.
The main characters are Vyusur's Dino. The minor character is the Daz Pteranodon.
Native Carrara processes include realistic sky, terrain, vertex modeler, text, fire, clouds, and trees. Filters were GMIC and Toon3.
No postwork.
Entry #16
Title: Humiliation of the Last Human Queen
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Category: A
Links to WIP thread:
Credits/Discussion: This is a reworked image I originally did in DS before getting Carrara.
Characters are Genesis Gorilla and V3.
Clothing includes a retextured Dragonlord for Genesis, and a kitbash for V3 including some free 3rd party armor items (Paladin, Capricornio) and Battle Maiden for V4. Hair is Mon Chevalier.
Albion Barbarian Axe is also a freebie, as are the chain and ropes.
Carrara processes include Realistic Sky, Clouds, and Text (for sig). Plugins are GMIC and Toon3 (used sparingly).
For landscape, rather than a Carrara terrain, I went with an old Daz/Poser product, Lunar Craters Moonscape by First Bastion. I've always liked how it looks.
No postwork.
Entry #17
Title: Fossil of Austrapolithicus africanus
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Category: A (extinction)
Links to WIP Thread:
Credit Discussion: Everything modeled, textured, and rendered in Carrara. No postwork. Had visited the local Natural History Museum. This model is based on the display of a skull I saw there. Click to see at full size and read the text. Text is quoted from the actual display.
entry #18
title: them bones
artist: shlomi laszlo
category: b de-extinction
Entry #19
Title: "A Monk Named Gregor Mendel"
Note: I firts heard about this chap in primary school. It always fascinated me his deductive process.
His experiments on plant hybridisation led him to be known as "The Founder of the science of genetics" - one of the threads that lead to the idea of Dextinction - this time via breeding and hybridisation
Artist: headwax
Category: B (de-extinction)
Links to WIP Thread:
Credit Discussion: I used M4 and a monk robe which I draped with VWD. The etxnsive postwork was done with photodonut and filterforge - I used the liquify filter in Affinity Photo to bend stuff. The garden is one by a daz vendor.Merlin - product secret Garden - which I warped to my own evil needs. The hair is Carrara hair. Sometimes it's quicker to make the hair than look for a ready made. And I made the spex ;)
Entry #20
Title: "Monkey God."
Artist: headwax
Category: B (de-extinction)
Links to WIP Thread:
This is K4 twice. For the monkey God I injected himn with M4 creature morphs and customised the head a little. The texture is one I conjured up from images I found on the net, I added Carrara heair - suite a few differnt groups.
The monkey is wearing 1930's mens wear for m4 which i crossdressed with cross dresser
I painted in the glow in post work - use photodonut for the ullustration look and tonemapped in affinity photo
Entry #21
Title 'Three Extinct Homo's - (From left to right) Homo Neanderthalensis, Homo 1930's Businessman and Homo Erectus."
Artist headwax
Category A extinction
Links to WIP threads
Dicussion - central chap is M4, wearing 1930's clothes - they wouldn;t fit the fat man so I injected morphs via poser then draped all the clothes with VWD. Neaderthal and Erectus are m4 moprhs here at Das- customised them and their texturtes a bit and added Carrara hair to both. The little kids are Ben's. I made the museum case .Postwork in photodonut and affinty photo for tome mapping.
Entry #22 'Family of Thylacine Sheltering Under Boab Tree'
Artist headwax
Category A extinction
Links to WIP thread 986 - Thylacine declared extinct by international standards
Discussion - After 30 million years surviving in Australia in different forms, Thylacine went extinct on the mainlad 2000 years ago with the introduction of dingoes.
It, however, survived in Tasmanian until the coming of white settlers. After 130 years of being hunted the last Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) was declared extinct in 1986.
The Thylacine comes from Smith Micro - the landscape is australian Outback available here in daz store - I morphed the adults into pups, added carrara hair.
post work in photodonut in the main
Entry 23
Title: Feeding Maize to the Dinosaur
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Category: B (De Extinction)
Credits: Daz Dinosaur
Discussion: When the scientists create dinosaurs to live in the modern world, they will have maize gardens to feed the vegetarians. The background was rendered separately, and then the terrain and lighting were saved. The terrain was then converted to lower resolution, retextured as a shadow catcher, and then green hair applied as grass.
Entry #:24
Title: Not all extinctions are bad news
Artist: Alberto (Alvin Bemar)
Category: (A= Extinction )
Links to WIP thread:
I like some extintions. My grandmother used a cane almost all her life. She had polio as a child. Poliomielitis virus is almost erradicated (but not yet).
Entry #25
Title: Resurrection of Victoria One
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Category: B
Links to WIP thread:
Credits/Discussion: The V1 model used here comes from the Mimic Lite package. It is a low-rez version with NG. Still does the job.
The people are V1 and M3. Shirt is M3 everyday wear. Goggles come from B25 Steampunk Aviator. The set is The Mad Lab, with some alterations and additions in the model room. Carrara processes include, aura and text. The GMIC plugin for Carrara was used, as always. No postwork.
Entry #: 26
Title: Artificial Intelligence To The Rescue!
Artist: DesertDude
Category: B
Links to WIP thread:
Credits: Everything was created in Carrara. I used 'Anodized Aluminum' from Carrara's native content to texture the industrial robot arms. The cartoon sketch of the unhappy man was scanned and then used as a texture on a flat plane/card.
Discussion: The ever friendly and benign robots have rescued the human species from total extinction. Tapping into their vast knowledge base, they are starting their repopulation campaign. That same knowledge base tells them that replicating thousands and thousands of bodies and warehousing them in vast facilities to be used as test subjects is a very good thing.
Entries Closed.
Please vote for three images. Order does not matter. Also, please vote for a separate honorable mention.
Vote 1 - Entry #, Artist, Category
Vote 2 - Entry #, Artist, Category
Vote 3 - Entry #, Artist, Category
HM - Entry #, Artist, Category
I broke out the honorable mention (HM) in keeping with Andrew's rules. See
I didn't find an end voting date in Andrew's post. Might have overlooked it, but whatever. Let's say 8am, Sunday, March 31st, Daz Utah time.