Are the old DAZ Forums still available?
Sphinx Magoo
Posts: 586
I was trying to get to the old DAZ Forums but I can't remember how to get there. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I believe it is just
Thanks, wwes.
Any ideas on what I have to do to get any images to show up correctly? I see the html links but not the images themselves.
I think you are out of luck there. Either the links are dead, or they aren't pointing at the right places. I don't think any of the stuff uploaded to the DAZ galleries or ArtZone are available anymore.
I miss the old forums. I like how they worked better than what we have now.
You need to copy the URL and take the part starting "postimage", and stick in front of postimage. I believe Cypherfox has a Firefox Greaeemonkey script to do this automatically.
I do indeed; it used to be in my sig, but I swapped it out for my dA page. I probably should put it back and leave it in until DAZ fixes the forum to include all those old posts... Greasemonkey scripts are a little tetchy on Chrome, since they made them harder to use a few versions ago. It includes a few small tweaks for the live site, as well, IIRC.
I checked as of a few moments ago on this and this threads. You have to wait until the page loads fully before it'll do it's thing.
-- Morgan
Ah, interesting.
Oh, cool, Cypherfox. Thanks!
A page I was testing took a while to load in Firefox, but it finally did and it looks great. Thanks! thing to be aware of is that archive searches can be very hit or miss (more "miss" as of late) so looking for a specific post can be a challenge. Also, one has to manually page through threads/content pages as the "Go to Page #" entry box no longer works.
Paging though long threads or contents tables can sometimes result in a "does not exist" error or just a blank page.
I really miss the filtering the old forums search had. It was nice when you could use "by posts", "by topics", "by author" "by forum", and time frame to narrow a search down.