G3F to G8F Morph Loader Bent Front Teeth


When I transfer some G3F characters to G8F using Morph Loader Pro I get strange bending on the front teeth - the bottom of the teeth bend forward.

I make sure when I create the G3F .obj I zero the Mouth Realism HD dial, so this isn't the issue. Has anyone else experienced this and knows how to fix it?

Teeth bend.png
1000 x 700 - 245K


  • I have seen distortion of the teeth going the other way, transferring a character morph from G8F to G3F.  I worked around it be creating a selection set on G3F in the Geometry Editor for everything but the teeth, then in MLP using the Attentuate By option and choosing the EverythingButTeeth selection set.  I was surprised how well it worked.  It might work less well with morph extreme morphs, in which case I guess you could add a corrective morph to straighten the teeth.  I overlooked the possibilty that Mouth Realism HD could be involved.

  • skinnii3dskinnii3d Posts: 11

      I overlooked the possibilty that Mouth Realism HD could be involved.

    I find if you leave Mouth Realism HD on it spreads out the teeth. Which is fine if you want gaps. So I make sure when I save the the .obj I zero everything apart from the base shape (including any nipple or navel dials if they have values). I can always turn these back on on G8F after the morph transfer.

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