clothing converter

in New Users
I purchased this product.
I installed it with SIM. It is said that I should see the products on smart content also for genesis 8. I see nothing. There is an image with a guide but you can not read much. If zummi is torn and can not be read. Someone is so kind to explain? Thank you
There's a dedicated thread for the clothing converter here:
You might find the information you are looking for there, or you can ask the PA directly. The first post also has a "How to use" video.
thanks a lot
I purchased the converter for genesis 8 male. The products are installed not on documents> DAZ3D> Studio ... they are on Macintosch HD and I do not know how to select it. In the documents folder> DAZ3D> Studio> My Librery I have nothing of the installed products. How can I do?