Bryce to Carrara

I noticed Bryve exports in rds Raydream studio format
it writes a texture map but Carrara loads the mesh untextured
I am wondering where that map is being written as no image files
what it does do unlike obj is actually create mesh for most things, trees run out of memory sadly
this is shadows cottage for example
is a whole bunch of primitives separate import but more or less accurate mesh wise, the walls and rug were way off so deleted those
Hello Wendy, I exported a terrain out of Bryce with jpeg's. Jpeg's were saved in the same spot as the rds file. Normally I export as an obj.
When I imported the rds file into Carrara I had to load the texture maps from where they had been saved. One thing I did notice was that the textures were a bit off in Carrara.
nup no image files in that folder for me
a terrain did one though
and obj does but not all create mesh
Just tried exporting an object containing a chair, table, and a lamp, only got the rds file with no images - looks like a potential bug....
Just tried exporting a spaceship as an rds file, again no image files...
well not much hope of that being fixed now
just tried...
I get partial model loads and no textures...
I was sort of excited to see a Carrara format supported albeit an early one but now feel rather meh about it,
I had hopes since the Hexagon .car export was fixed and works well .....
what is worse is obj export Carrara cannot read the bmp files, I think it needs to be BMP in the extension, I may need to try the batch extension renamer maybe but it all just seems too hard.
Was really hoping Ray dream would actually import stuff textured.
For the Terrains it gives you an option for jpeg's when you export, otherwise it's the stock standard bmp which Carrara does not like, I use XnConvert to modify the bmp's.
yes I knew all the other ways to get from Bryce to Carrara but I had hopes for this rds format when I realised it did it, it was the fact it was taking time to actually write the textures that got me, I assume by files sizes are actually embeded in the files but Carrara not reading it. Matching up textures correctly especially if proceedural is half the issue between the programs, I was actually optimistic it was creating a shader!
By coincidence, I've recently been doing some Bryce experiments. Was going to suggest the Cripeman method. Didn't realize that Holly had also done a related tutorialat CarraraCafe. Lots of extra nuggets of knowledge in this thread, even if Wendy did not get her preferred outcome.
Ditto that!