Expression Mixer Question
After testing Expression Mixer on a character, the face seemed to lock in an radical, ugly grin, and none of my morph dials or expression poses will do much to zero the face out, and return the character to a less radical look.
(I also tried unchecking the the lock-unlock options in Expression Mixer.)
Is there a zero or reset face option in Expression Mixer that I am not aware of?
...or is this just a glich, maybe?

z temp.JPG
681 x 265 - 42K
It may be too late, but if you haven't made a lot of changes since applying the expression, you should be able to use Ctrl+Z, (Cmd+Z on a Mac I think,) to undo. Of course, it's best to do it immediately after applying the expression, as there is a limit to how many steps DS can undo.
You can also select your figure's head in the Scene tab. Then right-click for a popup menu, and click on Select->Select Children. that will select the head and all the bones in the head. In the main menu, select Edit->Figure->Restore->Restore Selected Item(s) Pose. Or you can try Edit->Figure->Zero->Zero Selected Item(s) Pose.
With Draw Mode not set to Nvidia Iray, it can be hard to tell in the viewport what an expression will look like. I actually like the expression from what I can see, and it should be pretty easy to reopen Expression Mixer and dial down the smile a bit. If you can leave Draw Mode in Iray, you should be able to see how much to dial back.
Thank you!!!!
I needed that information!
You're welcome.