Hermit Crab - Where can I get one ?
I have my heart set on a hermit crab but no skills to make one.
Do you know where there is a reasonably priced 3d model of one is ?
Turbosquid.com has one but it's $86.00 but I am not sure it is poser rigged and thus is useless to me.
A toon hermit crab would be ideal but a realistic one would work.
Thanks for reading this and thanks for any help and thanks for any help you wished you had for me, lol.
Check Adam Thwaites site. However - it seems to be glitched at the moment.
Stupid forum software
Thjere is a set at Fast3d which includes a hermit crab. They are quite lores though, as is all his stuff. http://www.fast3d.co.uk/kathindex.htm
You just have to scroll down till you find it. Is called beach creatures.
image here http://www.fast3d.co.uk/beachc/01.jpg
Thanks. I will go look at Adam's website. Thanks for the link to it.
Thank you so much I will go look at fast3d sea creature items. Lores is fine.
Adam Thwaites has great stuff but not a hermit crab.
Fast3d.com has a hermit crab but it crashes my Poser 9.
Has anyone bought models from Turbo Squid ? Just wondering if you can
move the legs or whatever on their models.
I tried contacting Trubo Squid with their 24/7 chat line but it was not working today.
Oops, Happy Halloween Everyone !!!!!