Converting a G3 character to G8

I am trying to change one of my G3 characters into a G8 form. I have been able to convert everything except for his head and face shape.
On my G8 character base, I have tried loading the Materials, Shaping and Properties, from my G3 character, without any success on the head & face. The skin, body shape (except the character's height), eye colour etc.all seem fine.
Any suggestions?

G3 to G8 conversion issue.png
1800 x 1440 - 5M
Post edited by MGMOZ on
What method are you using to transfer the morphs from Genesis 3 to Genesis 8?
I've been saving the G3 characters, wearables etc.into a file then launching a basic G8 male and loading my G3 Shaping presets etc. onto that G8 base. Not sure if that is supposed to be the way to do it but it almost works!!
yeah, that is why it's not working. While both generations share some of the same types of morphs, in reality there is not easy way to transfer shapes from G3 to G8 yet.
there are some tutorials with invloved ways of kinda making it work, but it's not easy. this thread may help
This thread is maybe ~1year old but... i found some:
I wanna convert those cuties into G8:
Is today somewhere a product which I can buy to that?
As I wrote (I think yesterday) here:
I played the first time with G3 and it is horrible... I am very happy I joined daz3d at the right time, with good iray, good filled store and good G8 ^^.
So... Is there a way?
And I think I asked this somewhere too, is there some good way to convert Female to male? I found some cute chars but they are all Female (females seems tog et much more attention+love as males...) mainly from Renderosity. Like the Sixus1 baby, very cute but female base.
Thanks :)
There are also utilities to convert G3 to G8, such as my own:
Oh cool! I was sure I saw them... I remember that Puzzle.
Is it possible for you to make a Gender converter or is it just... too crazy complex? For kids is it less problematic (in anatomical thing), because a boy don't have breasts and they look most times similar ^^.
And I know there are girls with great shapes, which I just love.
But indeed would a child only converter not reach much customers, so it should work for adults too :) and I assume then it get complicated.
I haven't tried but I think the cross gender probably would not do too well.
would be nice if that would excist, I assume that would find some fans.
Ouch, I have them but I'm guessing that Tween Julie 7 has shaping that just won't work.
Did it twice to make sure.
I successfully converted "Tween Julie 7" shape morphs to Genesis 8 with another utility by Zev0.
If I'm not mistaken, the support thread is this one:
I got both converters and I find the zev0 converter does a better job with the character faces. Could be operator malfunction, but I find the zev0 converter just works without drama.
Sometimes the battle is real.
I have xtransfer so followed the directions and it appeared to do the job ... noted in successfully etc
and then popped up the little progress bar, which may or may not require some kind of a response from me but I cannot change the vertical size only the horizontal
And cannot use any of the button showing in the script window.
After ten minutes with no movement visible in the progress bar will now kill public build.
It did let me X the progress bar.
On the off hand chance this is a latest version of daz thing will now try it with an older daz. (the not opening the progress pane enough to see if there's dialogue in it).
Well before I got to try an old daz found there was a new dsa file in the dev folder and it was loaded in the scene so loaded an eight base figure and it adjusted the height
will try again for the head and body as separate morphs
image one progress bar glitch?
image 2 using river to trans
image 3 using xTrans to trans body
image 4 using xtrans to trans only head.
riversoft i have your converters so i was wondering is there a fix for them not working in dazstudio the only way i have been able to use if i uninstall all the scripts and just install the one i want to use