Waist lowering clothing fixer
Serene Night
Posts: 17,672
I’d love a clothing fixing morph for G8m to lower the waist of a clothing item. This is especially useful when fitting female outfits to men— usually the waists turn out high. Maybe something like decrackifier?
i got fit control for G3M+G8M, and discovered that sometimes you can use the pull down sliders for that (i like low waist pants etc), it might work... results might be acceptable... or not, depends ^^. if you have it anyways, try it out. if you don't they are quite good products for other purposes, could be interesting ^^
Fit control worked pretty well, thanks for the suggestion.
you're welcome ^^
i use smoothing a lot, even when it's not already switched on in a clothing item, and it's already helpful. but this tool helps even more when you try to fit items from other generations, and cross-dressing adds issues that this tool can solve too - it's pure awesome!