Unable to use vertical tiling with iray architectural shader preset

in New Users
It's strange, the horizontal tiling works but not the vertical one. I just open a new scene, create a primitive sphere, give it the architectural shader, put a jpg in the diffuse color, change the vertical tiles number, which I see correctly changing in the texture shaded viewport. Then I render, and no change happened to the vertical tiling. If I change the horizontal tiling instead of the vertical one, it works.
Vertical tiling also works if I use the uber base shader, but with the uber base, there's no reflection parameter like the arcitectural one. Is there a way to add reflection to the uber base shader?
@lecbenjamin, I was hoping someone who already knew the answer would pop in and help out, but it kinda looks like no one has an answer for you. I'm going to see if I can work through this for you. But first I need to verify we are talking about the same product, (I don't want to assume.)
Are you using the Architectural Iray Shaders? If so, I have it and I can attempt to recreate the issue. Which preset are you trying to use? Is it one preset in particular, or do all the presets have the same issue? Have you tried applying the preset(s) to a plane or square primitive, and are the results the same?
I think he's talking about the Architectual Shader Preset from Nvidia that is included with Studio. I was able to reproduce the problem and have a workaround.
I created a sphere primitive and appliled a diffuse mat from a tile set that I have becuase I knew that would give me a good even grid of points to look at. Quick render with no tiling looks like this:
Then I set the horizontal tiles to 4. The preview updated as expected and the render looks like this:
Then I reset hoirzontal tiles to 1 and set vertical tiles to 4. The preview updated as shown here, but the rendered image looked like the first sphere.
So, I know there is more than one way to tile a texture. I clicked on the image of the map I'd loaded and selected Image Editor.
In the Image Editor, I switched to the Instance Tiling tab and increased the vertical tiles to 4 as shown here.
When you tile maps this way, the preview will NOT update with your changes. However, when I rendered, I got 4 copies on the V axis of the UV map as expected.
Thank you, @JonnyRay. (And I've learned something new today, too.)