Daz can't find content

in New Users
Running on a PC with Windows 10
OK, so first install I messed up by trying to tell daz to put my content on to my other drive [d:] instead of [c:] Anyway, I uninstalled (that was a task and a half!) removing every mention of daz on my computer and even in my register, and then reinstalled the program and then the content using the Install Manager with default settings.
Install Manager states all content is installed on [c:] drive and it is definitely where it points to.
However, Daz itself cannot seem to find it. When I go to figures and drill down to the actors it merely shows and exclamation mark.
HELP! I've been going round in circles! Not sure what other sort of info you need to help.
Download http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/file_io/install_manager_config_import/start (theer's a link above the box with the code), drag it into the DS Viewport, and it should add the current Install Manager path(s) to Ds - see if the files are then available as expected.
Thanks Richard, but that didn't work, they're still showing exclamation mark
OK, so attached are my configurations. I have not touched these since installing the manager and Daz 3D. Does this help through a light on to my problem? I am totally lost with this program!
In DIM you are installing to your Public Documents, in Studio you have your User Documents set as the path.
Thanks. The setup I showed was the default. I have now sorted this with the help of a support ticket