Problems switching from 4.10 to 4.11 beta

in New Users
I'm trying the 4.11 beta now because I can't render a certain character because it has black spots in 4.10 but not in the 4.11 beta.
So I exported my laylout, menues etc but the items that are on my menu are now not properly shown in the 4.11 beta.
Here the 4.10
and here 4.11
I reimported the metadata in 4.11 before that and its working in the smart content, but the menu is not.
Also all the items that I converted with Riversoftarts clothing converters seem to be not in the smart content in 4.11.
Custom Actions are not shread, so the references don't point to anything. Rob has a script that will copy the UI across, including Custom Actions I believe