Quality of viewport display (grainy, overlapping hair textures), any fix?

enbismainenbismain Posts: 18
edited March 2019 in New Users

Hello! Ok, I'm a total noob to DAZ, just downloaded it recently. Only slightly less of a newbie to 3D editing as a whole. But I can't figure out if this is supposed to look this way in DAZ or am I doing something wrong?

In viewport it looks like utter nonsense to me. Even the demo scenes like this:


The hair is actually displayed *behind* the head and even objects.

Meanwhile it seems to render images just fine (even if it takes forever for a single screenshot, almost like other apps take to render video out of a scene - but perhaps I just haven't found the toggle to lower quality yet).


Especially some downloadable hair look like nightmare, while in other apps they seem to be fine, as well as in render.


If zoomed in close enough, those messy dots are actually hair strings. All textures are too grainy and skin is nowhere near the quality it is in the source (this is genesis 8 default toon).

Am I missing some settings? But wherever I poke at, doesn't seem to make it any better - only worse. My PC is new (literally just got it few weeks ago, hence getting my hands on new software) and should be powerful enough at least for a bit better quality. AMD Ryzen 5 2600X, 6 core, 3.6GHz, 16GB, Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB, Win10. Nvidia drivers are up to date and installed in full package.

Thanks for any advice!

Post edited by Chohole on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,934

    The Textured preview mode cannot show a lot of more advanced features, and does not handle layered transparencies at all well (this is related to Z-ordering - improving it would have a significant impact on performance). You can get a good preview with nVidia Iray preview mode, by clicking the sphere icon at top-right, just to the left of the button labelled Camera 1 in your screen shots, for Iray or with the Aux Viewport (Window>Panes(Tabs)>Aux Viewport) running in IPR mode for 3Delight - but of course these take longer to draw and tie up more system resources. Neither render engine is designed for real-time display.

  • enbismainenbismain Posts: 18

    The Textured preview mode cannot show a lot of more advanced features, and does not handle layered transparencies at all well (this is related to Z-ordering - improving it would have a significant impact on performance). You can get a good preview with nVidia Iray preview mode, by clicking the sphere icon at top-right, just to the left of the button labelled Camera 1 in your screen shots, for Iray or with the Aux Viewport (Window>Panes(Tabs)>Aux Viewport) running in IPR mode for 3Delight - but of course these take longer to draw and tie up more system resources. Neither render engine is designed for real-time display.

    Hey, thanks! Oh well, at least it won't take me 15 min each time I want to check if whatever I changed has ruined the whole thing. :) This Iray takes long to preview with, but turining it in once in a while isn't too bad. The 3Delight atm shows something weird white/untextured, but I'll poke at it some more, I guess I just not using it correct way.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,934

    If you are using items with Iray materials they won't necessarily produce sensible results with 3Delight. DS does try to convert 3delight materials using the standard shaders to Iray, usually with a fair degree of success, but custom shaders will give the same issue.

  • enbismainenbismain Posts: 18

    If you are using items with Iray materials they won't necessarily produce sensible results with 3Delight. DS does try to convert 3delight materials using the standard shaders to Iray, usually with a fair degree of success, but custom shaders will give the same issue.

    Oh yeah, that's probably the case, at least the one I got for a test has something about Iray in its textures folder. Thanks for your help!

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